Pellets without yeast

Each of us often wants to pamper ourselves by eating some original pastries. However, many women and girls can not afford it. Mostly this applies to those who strictly follow their figure, or suffers from overweight. After all, yeast dough , used for baking various delicious products, imposes an indelible imprint on the maiden figure. But do not get frustrated ahead of time, because without yeast, you can also cook a lot of wonderful dishes that will not only be tasty, but also useful, especially for your figure. Do not believe me? We suggest you bake cakes without yeast and see for yourself!

Breadcakes on milk without yeast



Mix flour, cinnamon, salt, baking powder and soda in a deep bowl and mix with each other. In the resulting mixture, put a little butter, which must be pre-melted. After that, pour in warm milk and add honey. All this is lightly beaten with a fork and mix gradually homogeneous dough.

Next, take the cutting board, sprinkle it abundantly with flour and spread the sticky dough. Then gently roll it with a rolling pin to a thickness of about 2 centimeters and cut with circles or ovals using a flat small plate. Oven pre-ignite, warm up to about 220 degrees. We put the prepared flat cakes on a baking tray and bake the dish for about 15 minutes.

The recipe for burrs without yeast on yogurt



Now tell you how to prepare scones in a frying pan without yeast. So, first take all the dry ingredients necessary for making flat cakes, and mix them in a bowl. Then the resulting mixture is poured slowly into the homemade yogurt and mix thoroughly until uniform, using first a tablespoon, and then - we interfere with hands. As a result, you should get a thick, soft and slightly sticky dough.

Next, we twist the strip from it and divide it into identical small parts. Each piece must be rolled using a rolling pin into a very thin pancake of any shape and size.

After that we take a frying pan, pour a little vegetable oil into it and fry our tortillas for several minutes from all sides to golden-colored, using the average flame force. Then gently shift them to the plate and while the cakes are still hot, grease them with butter and put them on top of each other. We store them necessarily in a container with a lid, or cover the container, where they are food film.

Recipe for rye cakes without yeast



We will analyze one more way, how to prepare cakes without yeast. So, first we sift well the flour, make a deepening in it and break the eggs there. Then we put sour cream, pour in the right amount of sugar, throw a pinch of salt, cardamom and knead a homogeneous thick dough that does not stick to your hands.

Then we divide it into equal parts, we form from each cake, about 1 centimeter thick and spread on a pre-prepared and oiled baking tray. The oven is heated up to 180 degrees and bake the cakes without yeast for about 20-25 minutes. After that, we lightly cool them and serve them to the table!