Smart diet for weight loss

Every day hundreds of tons of dietary products are produced, new books and headline articles of magazines are published every day and all on the theme of losing weight, inventing slimming clothes, underwear for slimming, rings and earrings for weight loss. Do not you think that someone our endless pursuit of weight loss is very profitable? Today we will talk about the terrible truth of weight loss commercial direction.

Everywhere sugar

Once the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the United States - David Kessler revealed the horrifying truth to the world. As he claimed, the producers are interested in our overweight, that is, that our sense of hunger is never satisfied. And it's not so difficult to implement: you just need to add starch and sugar to all foods. As a result, our pancreas will give insulin to eaten food to lower the level of sugar, and its lowering provokes a new attack of hunger. How do you like it? What will your stomach say?

Today we will try to build a safe and simple carbohydrate diet for you, which is the name of the smart diet.

Smart diet

If an American opened the horror of commercial provocation of gluttony to the world, then Swede, nutritionist Martin Ingvar, unified the notion of healthy nutrition and brought out a list of safe and healthy products for our weight loss. The list of smart diet for weight loss included protein products, omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, fiber, in general, rough food that will save you from starvation and really sate.

For breakfast, Dr. Ingvar recommends preparing one of the long-serving porridges, eating half of any unsweetened fruit (for example, an apple or pear), or preparing a vegetable salad with olive oil. Another option - toast with cheese, tomatoes and onions, or egg white scrambled eggs and a slice of lightly salted salmon.

For lunch, the Swede offers fish soup, a portion of fish, chicken, turkey, buckwheat / lentils / baked potatoes and vegetable salad . Attention! Salads should not contain any purchased dressings, neither vinegar, nor sugar. Only vegetable oil and lemon juice.

In the diet of an intelligent diet the most pronounced Scandinavian start is in the menu for dinner:

Garnish, lentils, baked potatoes and vegetables are offered as a side dish.

As for snacks, they are not forbidden at all. At your disposal are all unsweetened fruits and nuts in reasonable quantities. The most contradictory response is the statement of Dr. Ingvar, that in the absence of appetite, you can safely skip meals. In principle, the science of dietetics is firmly on the mandatory number of feasts, although, who knows, can our nutritionists benefit from dietary habits?

Why clever?

This unpretentious and not a hungry way of eating is called a diet for the mind. The reason is simple: this diet affects directly the brain center of hunger. After all, the appetite does not arise in the stomach, but in our head, which means that if the appetite too often visits us, it is necessary to stimulate the brain.

You will not need to count calories and measure your fists with meals. The body itself learn to say "stop."

With this method of nutrition, very soon you will notice that you have eaten much less often and in smaller portions. You will be strangers and incomprehensible brutal impulses of hunger, and also the craving for sweet and fat will disappear. Normal, balanced nutrition pulls for itself and changes in the psyche and in the way of life in general. You will be satisfied both physically and emotionally, because this diet does not imply hunger strikes or tasteless foods.