Ovarian cyst rupture

Ovarian cyst is a capsule with liquid contents, which is formed on the female genital glands under the influence of hormonal changes. No woman is insured from the formation of such cysts. The cyst may appear and disappear within a few months, and you will not even know about it if you do not undergo ultrasound examination of the reproductive organs during this period.

However, any woman should know that the presence of a cyst on the ovary is fraught with its rupture. Let's find out why the cyst can explode, how it manifests itself and how it threatens.

Symptoms of rupture of ovarian cysts

So, you may know or not know that you have an ovarian cyst, but notice the signs of its rupture:

Causes and consequences of rupture of the ovarian cyst

Cyst rupture is facilitated by certain factors: the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, trauma, weight lifting, overly active sex life. The cyst is broken most often during ovulation or in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. The yellow body (temporary gland that produces the hormone progesterone) may burst during pregnancy, which is doubly dangerous.

The rupture of the cyst is a significant threat to the female body. This is fraught with peritonitis, significant blood loss and infection. However, the condition of a woman is usually very serious, she needs urgent hospitalization and medical care.

Ruptured cysts: treatment

There are two possible variants: if there are no signs of internal bleeding, the patient is prescribed cold on the lower abdomen and complete rest. But most often with the rupture of the ovarian cyst, surgery is indicated - resection or suture of the ovary. The operation is usually performed by the method of laparoscopy or laparotomy. Remove the sex glands only in severe cases, when the ovary is completely affected. In pregnancy, resection is not done, as this can lead to premature birth or miscarriage, depending on the gestation period.

In addition, if necessary, the patient is compensated for blood loss by the method of transfusion of donor blood.