What if the weight stopped when losing weight?

If weight has stopped during weight loss, this is not a reason to panic. You just need to identify the cause of the process's slowdown and eliminate it.

Why did weight loss stop?

Many nutrition experts say that the weight at weight loss stopped due to the achievement of the "dietary plateau", because the body is used to the new regime. But what exactly lies behind these words - many people need their decoding.

  1. The perfect balance between the arrival and consumption of calories. If you begin to consume calories just as much as you spend, then the weight will not naturally decrease.
  2. A small amount of meals a day - you do not have time to spend calories for the next snack .
  3. Improper drinking regimen is too much drink, accompanied by consumption of salty foods, wrong choice of drinks.
  4. Focus on physical activity without changing the diet.
  5. Insufficient number of cardio loads.

What if the weight stopped when losing weight?

Proceeding from the above reasons, it is necessary to draw a quite natural conclusion that for further weight loss it is necessary to eliminate the interfering factors.

  1. Keep track of what you eat, start writing down all meals in the diary, accompanying them with comments on the calories burned. So you will understand how to shift the balance in the direction of reducing weight.
  2. Go to the fractional system: eat 5-6-7 times a day, each serving should be the size of your fist, no more.
  3. Maintain a water-salt balance: drink clean water and mineral water, juices and yogurt - it's food, not drink. Handle salt and salt products with care.
  4. Properly build your physical training, most of them should be not power, but cardio exercises: running, jumping, aerobics , even just long walks at a cheerfully pace.