PBK 20 for weight loss

The full name of PBK 20 for weight loss is deciphered as a "professional blocker of calories." And the figure "20" contains information about the creators: these people are little more than 20 years old. Over its development, nutritionists, endocrinologists and specialists of other categories worked, who brought out a fundamentally new tool that can restore metabolism .

Diet Pills 20

Producers claim that even children can take the drug, since it does not pose a health threat and has no side effects. The blocker of calories PBK 20 includes cellulose of pumpkin seeds, vitamins and minerals, natural sorbents and sibutramine - a substance that blocks the process of increasing subcutaneous fat. Of the main properties of the drug can be identified:

The preparation looks like a powder, which should be dissolved in water before taking. Those who are interested in how to take PBC 20, you should answer that a single dose of 5 grams, and a day should be consumed 15 grams, divided into three meals and drinking before eating, diluting in a glass of water. But even correctly taking PBC 20 - as it is written in the instructions, you can lose weight only if you reduce the caloric content of your diet and increase the motor activity. By itself, with the problem of excess weight, he can not cope. A person must make a decision that he needs to change something in his life, and a blocker of calories will help him in this. Of course, you need to start with food, and after you connect physical activities - cardio and exercises designed to pump muscle.