Massage of the stomach for weight loss

It's no secret that it is the stomach that is the most problematic part of the body for almost any girl. Fat accumulates in this place at the behest of mother nature: to ensure that during pregnancy the baby could be safe, the abdomen, back, next to the buttocks and hips are carefully tightened with fat, which should perform the function of the shock absorber. However, our body does not know when we decide to have a child, and therefore already from 20-21 years, and even earlier, carefully accumulates fat in these strategic areas.

Does massage help clean the stomach?

In an effort to be beautiful, many women are ready for anything, including the massage of the abdomen. It is important to understand that this is only an auxiliary procedure that helps the body understand where to start losing weight. However, alone, without additional measures, such a procedure will help only to give a tone to the skin of the stomach.

None of the most correct abdominal massage will ever help you get rid of fat deposits if you eat abundantly, and spend all your free time reclining on the bed with a laptop. Do not overestimate the effect of this procedure. However, if you adhere to a more healthy lifestyle, then the massage to reduce the stomach will have its effect and help you reduce the time required to manifest an obvious result.

Massage from fat on the stomach: how to supplement?

Massage the abdomen at home will be much more effective if apart from him you will take for the rule the following elementary measures:

  1. Movement is life! Do not be lazy to go on an extra stop on foot, jump at home with a skipping rope or at least 10-15 minutes to dance to your favorite music, while nobody sees you.
  2. Turn the hoop! This is also a unique massage of the abdomen, which is incredibly effective and, in addition, affects not only the front part, but also on the sides and back, which are often no less problematic zones.
  3. Eat small portions! Get up from the table half-starved: because of the large amount of food, you stretch the stomach, and you need more food to get enough. To reduce the volume of the stomach helps fractional nutrition: often, 5-6 times a day, but not enough - a handful of nuts, fruit or vegetable, a light soup, low-fat cottage cheese, oatmeal or buckwheat with chicken breast.
  4. Refuse sweets and fat (deep-fried dishes). Do not buy home biscuits and sweets, they are the reason for not leaving the belly! Choose tea for marshmallows, jelly (especially on agar-agar), rye bread.

These rules are very simple, but with their observance to remove the stomach with the help of massage will be much easier.

Massage of the stomach for weight loss

Consider several massage techniques that you can use yourself. All of them are safe and quite effective if you apply them regularly.

Using any of these techniques, do not forget that the massage should be done either 2 hours before meals, or 2 hours after it. Otherwise, your body can react to this procedure very painfully.