Improper diet

On human health, as well as its weight, many factors influence: stress, heredity, ecological component, lifestyle, and healthy and proper nutrition. That is why it is necessary to give maximum attention to the food you eat, since poor nutrition affects not only well-being, but also appearance.

Consequences of malnutrition

The main consequence of malnutrition is a breakdown and very fatigue. This may be due to a lack of calories or carbohydrates. Since it is carbohydrates that are the source of strength and energy. Deficiency of vitamins B , B6 and B12, calcium and magnesium is the result of bad mood, depressive state, irritability and temper.

If you eat fried, canned and flour foods, you can also face a number of problems: impaired vision and attention, regular headaches, dry and oily skin, rashes, pimples and so on.

In addition, the lack of breakfast is a spoiled mood for the whole day because of the constant sensation of hunger and thoughts about food.

Harm from malnutrition is obvious. To avoid health problems, it is necessary to refuse fried and spicy food, salt, sugar, mayonnaise, vegetable oils, canned food, semi-finished products, carbonated and alcoholic beverages, artificial fats, refined flour of high grades, fast foods. All this is included in the list of foods that are malnourished.

How to eat right?

It is necessary to start with the inclusion in the diet of complex carbohydrates , products made from whole grains, boiled or stewed sea fish (at least 3 times a week), sour-milk products with a minimum fat content and only domestic rather than industrial production, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits. Breakfast should be a mandatory meal. Proper nutrition also involves eating at least 5-6 times a day. It is necessary to give up any diets. In addition, it is necessary to drink as much pure water daily as possible without gas. A plentiful drinking regime helps the body to cleanse itself of toxins and toxins.

Proper and balanced nutrition will help to get rid of bored excess weight, as well as to normalize health and well-being. Therefore, do not waste time thinking about what leads to improper nutrition, but it is better to take the first step to meet your health.