Oatmeal Milk

Nature has endowed the herbs and plants with the great power that people use to treat illnesses. Oats are also an exception, which refers to the culture of cereals, revered in many countries as a source of energy, health and longevity.

Benefits of oatmeal

Oat milk is a remedy that helps people regain strength, improve immunity, and even get rid of depression. Oatmeal is a tonic healing drink, which is useful not only for treating the body, but also for restoring the skin.

Homeland of oats is considered Mongolia and China, and it was from there that we received recipes based on this plant. Grains of oats were used to treat constipation, and a decoction based on them was treated with a cough.

The chemical composition of oats is very rich - some of its biological value is equated with human milk, and perhaps that's why our ancestors fed the baby with oat milk, if for any reason it was not possible to give them milk to the mother.

The use of oat milk helps the work of the liver, gall bladder, intestine, and pancreas. In general, oat milk has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore people who have irregularities in the work of this system can periodically apply it to improve their condition.

Oat milk also helps the brain, and this is its main toning property. People who are overweight can also use this tool to speed up metabolic processes, which is a necessary rule for serious weight loss.

Oat milk has a number of specific properties that make it unique:

The recipe for oat milk

Multiple variations of this milk make it possible to choose how to make oat milk - with the addition of additional ingredients (for example, vanilla extract for improving taste or sea ​​salt for saturation of milk with iodine) or to limit yourself to the "classic recipe".

To prepare the usual oatmeal, you need:

Preparation of milk consists of three simple items:

  1. Soak the flakes for 20 minutes in water at room temperature.
  2. Place the flakes with water in the blender bowl and grind.
  3. Strain the water with any filter - gauze or sieve.

Application of oat milk

Oat milk can be used either inside or outside.

Oat milk for the treatment of internal diseases

Before taking oatmeal, make sure that you are not allergic to cereals.

Treatment of milk with internal diseases is not specific - the daily dosage of milk remains the same for both prevention and treatment. The only exception is the disease in the acute phase.

Oat milk with pancreatitis, gastritis and constipation is taken half the glass 30 minutes before meals in the morning and evening.

If the disease has an acute phase, then the dosage of milk decreases to ¾ cup twice a day.

For weight loss, take 1 glass of oatmeal in the morning on an empty stomach 1 time per day.

Oatmeal for face

To improve the complexion and firmness of the skin, oatmeal is used instead of a tonic for the face.

Oatmeal milk - contraindications

Oat milk does not have contraindications, except for one - allergic reaction to cereals.