Exercises for the buttocks - sets of exercises in the gym and at home

Not all women can naturally boast of tightened and elastic buttocks, but this is no reason to despair. To remove excess fat, pump muscle and add volume, you need to exercise regularly. There are many different exercises that give a load on the gluteal muscles, the main thing is to fulfill them according to all the rules.

Exercises to increase the buttocks

Since the purpose of training is to increase volume, it is important to consider two basic principles. Firstly, it is necessary to work with additional load, so in the home conditions dumbbells are used, and in the hall it is best to take a bar. Secondly, exercises for pumping the buttocks are slow, which allows you to load the muscles as much as possible.

Exercises for inflating the buttocks

To get results, you need to train regularly, but do not overdo it. For muscle growth, rest is important, so it's better to practice a couple of times a week. To increase the volume, it is recommended to choose basic exercises for the buttocks, which involve many joints, so you can not do without a qualitative warm-up. In your workout, include the following exercises for the Brazilian buttocks :

  1. Squats . Keep your feet at shoulder level, socks slightly unfolded. From the starting position, squat, pulling the pelvis back. Do not connect your knees and watch that they do not go beyond the feet. When the hips become parallel to the floor, fix the position and you can get up. Do squats with extra weight.
  2. The falls . Keep dumbbells on your right hands on the sides. Take a big step forward and squat down to form a front right angle in the knee joint. Then put your foot and do the following repetition. As in the previous exercise for the buttocks, while lowering, inhale, and exhale, exhale. It is important not to sag in the back, so as not to bring down the load.
  3. Deadlift . Use a dumbbell or barbell. Stand up straight, taking dumbbells in front grip, and keep them in front of you near your hips on straight hands. Tilt forward, pulling the pelvis back and keeping your back straight. Knees slightly bend. In this case, the dumbbells move in a straight line next to the legs. At the end, fix and slowly rise.

Exercises for weight loss of hips and buttocks

Since the purpose of training is to get rid of extra centimeters, the rules of the class change a little. First about the speed of execution, so for fat burning to perform everything you need at a fast pace to speed up the breathing and work of the heart. Exercises to reduce the volume of the hips and buttocks are best performed without additional weight or it should be no more than five kilograms.

Daria Lisichkina - exercises for hips and buttocks

Many trainers offer their complexes, which make it possible for the ass to be elastic. Daria Lisichkina is no exception and her training is popular, because they are simple and effective. Daria recommends to include in the training as a base attacks and squats and the following exercises for the buttocks:

  1. The half-bridge . Sit on your back, placing your feet on the edge of any elevation, such as a chair or fitball. Hold the loin against the floor, and spread your arms around the sides. Raise the pelvis so that the body eventually forms a straight line, reducing the legs and clamping the buttocks. After that, lower the pelvis down, but do not touch the floor, but immediately do the following repetition. You can do such exercises for the buttocks on the fitball, which will add to the load, because you will need to keep balance.
  2. Makhi . Lie on your stomach, placing your forearm in front of you. Lift one leg up, and then lower it, but do not touch the floor. It is important that the upper part of the body is fixed. Carry out alternately with both feet.

Exercises for the buttocks in the gym

Occupations in the gym are effective both for getting rid of excess weight, and for pumping muscles, and getting relief. All the rules concerning the regularity of training and performance characteristics are preserved. In your complex, include the basic exercises for the buttocks in the hall, that is, sit-ups and thrusts, and add insulating ones. Do not get carried away with heavy weight, as this increases the risk of injury.

Exercises buttocks - girl in the gym

Pre-warm up and for this purpose fit such simulators: a bicycle, a treadmill and others. It is recommended to spend at least 15 minutes on warming up the muscles, but it is better to allocate 30. Weigh the weight, considering that for muscle development, it should be large, and for weight loss, on the contrary. In training, include isolation exercises for the buttocks in the simulators:

  1. Breeding the legs in the sides . Sit on the simulator so that the waist and back are pressed against the back, which is important for fixing the position. Put the feet on the handles and rest the outer surface of the thigh in the stops. Due to the effort of the buttocks, spread your legs to the sides and make a stop at the end point. After that, perform the mixing, but not to the end, so as not to bring down the load.
  2. Swing your foot in the lower block . For the next exercise for the buttocks, secure one leg with a strap that is attached to the cable of the lower block. Stand near the simulator so that the distance to it was about 50-60 cm. Keep hands on the handles and, slightly bending your knees, move your foot back. You need to do this on exhalation. After fixing the position, go back.

Exercises against cellulite on the hips and buttocks

Ugly bumps on the skin can appear not only on the body of fat women, as many thin women have the notorious orange peel. It is difficult to remove it, but it is possible, why do anti-cellulite exercises for the hips and buttocks. Since the main task of such training is to normalize metabolism and drainage of lymph, it is important during exercise to maximize muscle tension, increasing blood flow.

  1. Makhi . Stand on all fours and perform flies with one foot, try to make the push as high as possible. At the end point, fix the position, pull the leg to the chest and perform the following repetition.
  2. Walking on the buttocks . Arrange on the floor, sitting down with legs extended forward. You can not buckle in the back, and you can keep your arms bent at the elbows. Due to the tension of the gluteal muscles, move forward, imitating walking. Move forward / backward.

Exercises from cellulitis on the legs and buttocks

To make the skin smooth and elastic, it is important not only physical exercise, it is required to drink plenty of water, eat properly and it is recommended to use different cosmetic procedures. Exercises from cellulite on the thighs and buttocks should be included in the main complex for the elaboration of this part of the body. To lose weight or work out the relief of muscles, it is not necessary to engage in the hall, because at home you can make the training effective. Practically all the exercises are ideal for such a training. Good results are given by exercises for the buttocks on the ball, required additional concentration. Regular classes in compliance with the rules and techniques for performing exercises will allow you to see results in a month. Remember that the muscles get used to the load, so every few months, change the used complex, without stopping the progress.

    1. Makhi . Take the emphasis lying down by focusing the shins in the fitball. Alternately raise your legs, fixing the position at the top point.
    2. Slopes . Stand with your back to the fitball, bend your legs and put a foot of one foot on the ball. Hands raise upwards and bend forward, trying to touch the foot of a straight leg.