Swedish walking with sticks

More recently, people with ski poles, cheerfully pacing the squares, parks and streets caused passers-by and tourists only puzzled looks and skeptical smiles.

However, the supporters of this type of sports walking every day more and more.

Swedish walking with sticks

At the moment, Swedish walking is considered one of the most effective types of sparing fitness . The name of this kind of physical exertion is due to the fact that for the first time as an independent sports discipline it was allocated exactly in the territory of Sweden, and it happened in the middle of the last century.

Winter sports in the Scandinavian countries are especially popular. Not surprisingly, the percentage of professional skiers is very large here. And, as is known, athletes can not interrupt training because of seasonality, and therefore in the summer time continue their studies without using skis.

Such activities interested the fitness instructor, who later became the founder of a new direction in fitness.

Technique of Swedish walking with sticks

Walking with sticks is significantly different from running on skis, both speed and technique. If on skis we make a wider sliding step, relying firstly on the sock, then with the Swedish (or otherwise Scandinavian, northern) walking technique is completely different. Here are a few basic rules for those who are planning to do this kind of fitness.

The main difference between Swedish walking and other types of walking is the presence of sticks. It is through this that the muscles of the back and arms, the shoulder girdle are involved.

Here are a few rules that will help you master the technique of Scandinavian walking.

  1. The step should be springy, the pace of walking - vigorous. Do not try to take too wide a step or go at a high speed. Keep the rhythm of breathing.
  2. To go it is necessary on the heel, and then on the toe. Such a transfer of body weight gives a load, with this load, caviars, hip muscles, and gluteal muscles are best used.
  3. You need to have sticks with a fastening loop on your wrist. At the same time, the load on the muscles, and hence the effect of training, will be greater.
  4. When walking, it is important to push off sticks with enough force. This makes it possible to use the muscles of the upper body.
  5. Try not to lose your breath. In addition to the load on the muscles and skeleton, during the Swedish walking the respiratory system is trained.

The Benefits of Swedish Walking

A distinctive feature of this type of fitness is the fact that getting the necessary load, the body does not go into a state of excessive stress, which is typical for sports and physical activities of most species. Therefore, this kind of fitness is perfect for everyone. It is recommended to people with weakened health, the elderly. Swedish walking is shown even in cardiovascular diseases.

A good instructor will be able to correctly choose the pace and duration of walking, which will be optimal for your body. Let's see what gives us Swedish walking with sticks. In addition to the physical exertion, of which we spoke above, such walking makes the body more enduring. As a rule, this kind of fitness is practiced in a park or park. And, as you know, daily walks in the fresh air - a good way to strengthen immunity . Another plus is the fact that, in combination with diet and exercise, walking with sticks is an effective way to lose weight. In addition, the rhythm of walking and the lack of the need to focus on doing any exercises, can be an excellent occasion for meditation. This will help not only to train the body, but also to put in order thoughts and feelings.