Nervous bulimia

All of us have repeatedly seen photos of patients with anorexia - horrific pictures, from which the trembling picks up for a long time. But what do patients with bulimia look like? Do you think that they are fat and addicted to gluttony written on their foreheads? Let's understand what is bulimia nervosa , what are the causes of this disease and how to recognize bulimic.

Anorexia and bulimia

Perhaps, when it comes to eating disorders, you should start with a similarity of bulimia nervosa and anorexia. People prone to such disorders very often at different stages of life can be ill alternately with bulimia and anorexia. Despite the fact that the topic of anorexia is much more popular, bulimia is still a more dangerous disease.

Anorexic drugs are easy to recognize externally: unhealthy thinness, skin color, constant refusal of food with a variety of excuses, fainting, staggering, etc. Bulimikov outwardly recognize is not something that is not easy, almost impossible. Externally - it can be people of normal weight, with a good appetite or vice versa, fans of diets. Disease can go unnoticed for all around to several years, until it becomes acute clinical form, when the body simply surrenders to fight for survival.

What is bulimia?

Illness of bulimia is frequent fluctuations in weight, alternation of stages: diet - binge - purification. In the disease of bulimia, patients at some point break (usually during a diet) and sweep away all the provisions on their way. This is called binge. During this feast, the patient, in a masochistic manner, revels in her insignificance, lack of will, continually reproaches herself that there is anything (even despite the amount of food).

Then, after such a binge, the next phase begins - calorie cleaning. Here the methods are simple: vomiting, laxative, debilitating over-intensive training, hunger-strike. All these methods, which are obviously harmful, make the disease especially dangerous.

Bulimia promises to start a new life on Monday, to establish a diet , not eat after six. As a result, either this Monday does not come, or the patient sits on a diet, which in turn spills into a new binge.


As already mentioned, the symptoms of bulimia nervosa are very difficult to notice:


First of all, as it is easy to guess, the consequences of bulimia will be disruption of activity GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT - poor peristalsis of the intestine, enlargement of the large intestine, regular constipation, not digestion of food. The reason for all this is that the stomach "forgot" to digest food, because it is always helped with laxatives, vomiting, etc. Also there is a destruction of a teeth - caries, a parodontosis, erosion of an enamel. Because of dehydration, first of all, the kidneys suffer. The pancreas does not withstand constant overeating and binge eating with absorption of non-measured doses of sweet and flour.

When relatives, friends and acquaintances notice what is happening, they begin to give advice to the patient, they say, "pull yourself together", "where is your will?", "All you have to get!", All this instead of good, leads to the progression of the disease, bulimia does not grow from lack of will, but because of life problems that result in gluttony. Therefore, the treatment of bulimia nervosa should occur in a complex, under the supervision of not one specialist doctor. And the more advice the "experienced" people give, the stronger the patient is clamped into a ball, into the dark corner of her inner world.