Plum compote for the winter

We suggest that you start preparing the most wonderful plum compote, and we will tell you in the process how to properly close it for the winter.

Plum compote for pitted and sterilized winters



Thoroughly wash out in large quantities of water all the plums. Along the knife, make an incision, so that it gets to the bone. Carefully open the cream and remove the stone, and the fruit itself is closed back. In this way, we recycle the entire amount of necessary sinks.

To a 3-liter bottle, thoroughly (under running water), wash it with a teaspoon of baking soda, and afterwards carefully (so that it does not burst) we fill it with steep boiling water. The same we do with the lid.

Now in this bottle we overload the fruits of plums and pour freshly boiled drinking water from the kettle. After 13-15 minutes, slowly unload the water that has already changed color so that the fruit remains at the bottom of the jar. A saucepan with this water is sent to the included plate and while it is warming, rhythmically stir in it the added fine sugar. When the syrup gives clear signs that it is boiling, pour it again into the container where the plums are. Quickly roll up the bottle and put it on the lid cover with a blanket somewhere for 12 hours.

Delicious plum compote with mint for winter



We go through and wash out the plums. Then we move them to the pan, fill it with fine sugar and literally add the citric acid at the very tip of the knife. We add the amount of water prescribed by the recipe and send the container with the future compote to the gas stove burner. When it becomes clear that the water boils, we mark 15 minutes and cook the compote during this time. 4 minutes before the preparation, we add to the pan thoroughly washed fresh water under the running water.

In a well-washed and roasted in the oven bottle, with the help of noise, we shift all the plums, and after pouring and compote itself. We also seal the container with a roasted, metal lid and not just wrapping it, just waiting for it to become room temperature.

Apple-plum compote for the winter



We take the jar on 3 liters and carefully wash it with baking soda. Next, we carefully surround it with steam and at the same time boil the prepared lid.

We wash out dense, ripe plums and with the help of a knife we ​​divide them into lobules, removing at the same time a bone. Accordingly, we also wash the apples, and then, dividing each fruit into two halves, cut each into slices, but before this we cut out the cores.

In the prepared bottle we put first slices of plums, and on top of them we distribute apples.

Good potable water is poured into a 3 liter pot and put it on the stove. After boiling, dissolve in it a fine, white sugar and when it dissolves we pour out the syrup over the fruit in the jar. Now we move the container with compote into a large saucepan, with water boiling on the stove. Thus we sterilize the workpiece for 12 minutes, but only time starts to count from the beginning of boiling compote in the can. Further to the stop, we seal the jar and set aside for cooling.