How to get rid of hiccups - 15 validated ways

If an excess amount of air gets into the stomach, the body reacts with involuntary physiological reactions. One of them is hiccups. It is an intense and short unpleasant respiratory movement, accompanied by a compressed sound.

Why does a person hiccup?

The mechanism of the onset of this condition begins with jerky convulsive contractions of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm. Because of their synchronous movements, imitation of inspiration takes place, but the airflow is sharply overlapped by the epiglottis, as in a short-term attack of suffocation. Parallel compression of the glottis triggers a characteristic sound.

Often this problem arises arbitrarily, quickly and without a trace passes. In other cases, there are specific factors against which hiccups are observed: causes:

Hiccup after eating

The main reason for the appearance of the described pathology is considered to be incorrect eating habits. Frequent hiccups occur in people prone to overeating, rapid ingestion of foods without thorough chewing, conversation at the table. Excess of air or food in the stomach provokes spasms and contractions of the diaphragm. The easiest way to get rid of a strong hiccup after a meal is to adjust its intake. It is important to eat moderate portions, it is good to chew food and talk less.

Hiccup after alcohol

The decomposition products of ethyl alcohol affect most of the organic structures responsible for the appearance of the presented symptom. Causes of hiccups on the background of alcoholic intoxication:

In this situation it is difficult to find effective methods how to get rid of hiccups. When alcoholic intoxication, it is stable and intrusive, may not pass for hours. People who regularly or regularly experience hiccups with alcohol are advised to temporarily or completely abandon it, or always control the amount of hot drinks.

Hiccups after smoking

Most fans of tobacco products suffer from the problem in question. Hiccups after cigarettes occur more often in the mornings, because smokers, especially those with experience, rarely eat breakfast, preferring to eat tobacco and a cup of coffee. During such a ritual, only air gets into the empty stomach, which causes an involuntary reflex of pushing out the gas. In addition, cigarette smoke provokes intoxication of the body and irritates the nervous system, which leads to spastic contractions of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.

Hiccup after a stroke

While it is not precisely determined why this pathology is diagnosed against the background of cerebral circulation disorders. In persons who have suffered a stroke, the hiccup does not last long, is characterized by high intensity and extremely unpleasant sensations. Presumptive causes of this phenomenon:

Hiccups after chemotherapy

Oncological patients in the process of treatment are more prone to the described pathology. One of the reasons why hiccups occur against the backdrop of chemotherapy is the side effects of the medications used. They have a pronounced toxic effect on the body, can disrupt the operation of the central nervous system and cause controlled poisoning. Among other factors, doctors note the tumor itself as the cause of hiccoughs. Neoplasms, especially malignant and with metastases, often lead to spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm.

Hiccup after sleep

This form of the problem is characteristic of newborn babies and infants. If a person hiccups after sleeping at adulthood, the reasons can be as follows:

When the standard methods how to get rid of hiccups do not work, and the reflex torments for a long time, it is important to consult a doctor. Sometimes this pathology in the morning indicates more serious diseases:

Hiccups - treatment

There are a number of standard actions that help to cope with the presented problem.

How to stop hiccupping:

  1. Stick your tongue out, grab your fingers and pull it easily.
  2. Collect full lungs of air and hold your breath for the most tolerable time, slowly exhale.
  3. Drink a glass of cool water with measured sips.
  4. Pour a pinch of sugar on the root of the tongue.
  5. Dissolve in the mouth a thin slice of lemon.
  6. Lean 90 degrees forward, take your hands back and lift your head (the pose of a crane), drink half a cup of water in small sips.
  7. Sit on the floor and hug your arms tightly with your legs, bent at the knees, pressing against them the diaphragm.
  8. Drip a drop of apple cider vinegar on the tongue.
  9. To drink a cup of strong chamomile tea.
  10. Apply a cold compress or ice pack to your throat.
  11. Take deep breaths and exhalations, while raising your arms over your head and lowering them down.
  12. Put the mustard plaster on the solar plexus.
  13. With your index fingers, massage the closed upper eyelids.
  14. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey.
  15. Lubricate the root of the tongue with mustard or any spicy spice.

What to do if you hiccup for a long time, and none of the above techniques have helped, the expert will tell. Constant contractions of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles can be a sign of dangerous diseases of internal organs and even malignant neoplasms. When the condition in question does not pass, it is better to undergo a comprehensive professional diagnosis.

Medicines for hiccoughs

Sometimes standard methods for eliminating pathology are ineffective, and its causes can not be established. In such cases, medication is recommended, how to get rid of hiccups. There is a group of drugs that block the innervation of the diaphragm and promote its relaxation, stopping spastic contractions. A safe option, how to get rid of hiccups quickly, is taking the following tablets:

Folk remedies for hiccups

There are many proven recipes that allow you to instantly eliminate the symptom in question. Folk medicine offers simple methods of how to get rid of hiccups quickly at home, using affordable products that are easy to find in the kitchen. There are also multicomponent drugs that help with a stable and often arising reflex.

Emergency remedy for hiccoughs

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Mix the food.
  2. The resulting composition lubricate half the tongue (from the root to the center).
  3. After 10 minutes, drink half a glass of water and rinse your mouth well.

Remedy how to get rid of a stubborn, prolonged hiccup

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Grind vegetable raw materials.
  2. Pour oregano with oil.
  3. Insist the medication for 8 hours.
  4. Strain the remedy, squeeze the precipitate.
  5. During each attack of hiccups take 3 drops of oil with oregano.

Hiccup conspiracy

Even if a person does not believe in the magical power of the described method, he can help him. Plots, how to stop hiccoughs, are a distraction therapy. When reading a rhythmic text, the central nervous system concentrates on words, breathing normalizes.

Hiccups - how to get rid at home with a plot:

  1. Morning - Uliana, evening - Marimyana. The third - it goes dead, it does not happen.
  2. Hiccup, hiccough! Go for the winger. Whom you meet - that and in the mouth, that's the whole lapel.
  3. Hiccups-hiccups are riding a blue mare, around a swamp. The mare fell - the hiccup was gone.
  4. Hiccups, hiccups! Go to Fedot. From Fedot to Yakov. From Jacob - to everyone.
  5. Hiccup, hiccup, come off my mouth. Get off the tongue, go to the marshes, skip the jump. Run faster and hide in the fog, get muddled in the mud.