What is useful for beef liver?

Beef offals are very popular with housewives, as they are cheap and you can cook anything from them. But most often for culinary experiments the liver is used. This product is affordable, you can buy it at any store or market. And if you cook the beef liver correctly, then from it you can create a real delicacy. It can be boiled, fried, stewed, baked in pots, processed into pate, etc. But in addition to knowledge of the methods of preparation, it is useful to have information about how useful beef liver.

Composition and energy value of the product

The use of the product is primarily related to its nutritional properties. For example, beef liver is a nutritious, but at the same time low-calorie dish. A hundred grams of raw liver contains only 127 kcal. It has a lot of protein and an average fat content of 26% of the total mass. After culinary processing this figure increases. So caloric content of boiled beef liver is 135-140 kcal, and in roast beef liver of calories there is even more - 200-250 kcal.

The use of beef liver is also determined by the fact that it contains many biologically active substances. The composition of the product includes useful cholesterol, valuable fatty acids, choline, selenium, potassium, magnesium, and the like. And if we are talking about what vitamins are in the beef liver, then it should be noted that here are presented:

What is useful for beef liver?

First and foremost, doctors always prescribe to include in the diet of beef liver to people suffering from iron deficiency and anemia. It is able to optimize the level of hemoglobin in the blood and prevent the development of more serious diseases. It is believed that regular use in the food of beef liver serves as an excellent prophylaxis of leukemia. In addition, iron in this product is contained in a highly digestible form, thanks to the presence of vitamins and copper.

Also obvious is the use of beef liver for men, as it raises testosterone levels, activates libido and stabilizes sexual life. And also beneficially affects the strength and endurance in the stronger sex, involved in sports. It must include in its menu weightlifters and bodybuilders. It contributes to a faster build-up of muscle mass, due to the high content of protein and keratin, which accelerates the metabolism .