Salad from canned cod liver

Since the "boom of popularity" overtook the canned cod liver in the times of the former USSR, the dishes with it began to bear the characteristic flavor of the Soviet era, well known to us from the famous salads. In the recipes, we proceed not only to revive the recipes that have long been seen, but also introduce novelty, diluting this useful product with previously unknown combinations.

Salad Recipe from Canned Cod Liver



We merge the excess oil from the jar, and the liver, which has been transferred to the plate, is mildly kneaded with a fork. Add a generous handful of chopped green onions, which, if desired, can be mixed with any other greens. Add the salad and boiled eggs. As a refueling dish you can use a drop of vegetable oil, its mixture with lemon juice, or vinegar, as well as classics of the genre of Soviet cuisine in the form of mayonnaise dressing.

Salad from canned cod liver with rice



Before you prepare a salad of canned cod liver, the latter is separated from the oil and slightly mashed. Mix cod with an abundance of greens, as well as canned green peas and boiled rice (plain white ground or brown). Eggs boil hard boiled, finely chopped and also put in a salad. In the final, we fill the dish with mayonnaise and cool it.

Salad from canned cod liver with cucumber



Boiling eggs, quickly pour them with ice water, so that under the shell formed condensate, and she did not molest protein. We clean and cut the eggs. Grind the greens. Purified cucumber is cut together with fresh tomatoes into cubes of equal thickness. Add to the vegetables and greens the star of our dish, previously pouring the oil from the can. Squeeze the garlic into yogurt and fill the salad with the dressing.

Salad from canned cod liver in tartlets



For the sauce, take about a tablespoon of fragrant oil from a can of cod liver and mix it with sour cream, mustard and lemon juice. To remove excess acid, add a pinch of sugar to the sauce.

The remains of oil from the jar with the fish are drained. Finely cut radish, apple and avocado cut into cubes of equal sizes. Add them to the cod along with cumin and greens. We fill the salad with sauce on a sour cream basis.

Salad from canned cod liver without mayonnaise



Medium-sized carrots are washed, boiled, cleaned and coarse. Cook hard-boiled eggs and mix them with cod, crushed pistachios and bread crumbs. We add a cooled carrot and a good handful of crushed greenery. Fill salad with lemon juice, if you want to keep it as dietary as possible. Or add a couple of tablespoons of juice, 30 grams of butter and a teaspoon of sweet mustard.