Psychology of money

The psychology of money is one of the directions of the science of the soul, studying the attitude of man to his own wealth, to money and other values. Psychologists conduct numerous studies of the influence of money on human behavior, on its social relations and other vital factors. To some, it may seem that the concepts of psychology and money are far apart, but in fact it is not. Affluence affects not only the quality of our lives, but also the character, the attitude towards reality and the people around us. In scientific and pseudo-scientific literature, you can read many interesting tips related to the attitude of a person to banknotes.

Regarding the psychology of money, the following recommendations are given in the books:

Many, having studied all such literature, sit and wait for the promised wealth. But it does not hurry to them. What? Are these psychological methods not working, or are we doing something wrong?

All is correct and methods are effective, only a problem in human features. We all have different attitudes towards life and wealth, including. Our psychology of perception and the meaning of money are completely different. For someone, money is everything, and for someone they are only a means of ensuring normal life.

The psychology of making money should be based on the following truths:

  1. Around us there are many opportunities and ways of earning, it is only necessary to understand which way is right for you.
  2. Money and profession are often not related. Most people get richer not in the work they studied at the institute, so saying that with my profession you will not earn much - is inexpedient. Look for what you will earn.
  3. Wrong disposition of money deprives joy of their availability. In this case, censured as stinginess and greed, and excessive waste. Money should be spent with reasonable savings.

Problems of psychology of money

These problems are related to our feelings and attitudes that repel wealth from us. Often we ourselves put various barriers to prevent us from achieving the desired. These barriers can be many, one of them is beggarly psychology - contentment with eternal lack of money. The person lives poorly and it quite arranges it. Another barrier - unbelief - a person is clearly determined that he can not earn money, and a better life can not be seen. Fear is another obstacle to achieving monetary prosperity. Fear of making money and then losing them overnight, discourages something to do.

Psychology of raising money

Long observations of the lives of rich people allow us to draw some conclusions. Secured people always know why they need money, set specific goals and move towards them. They love money - treat them with respect and respect. Most often they are economical, they spend money only on the most necessary things.

To become a person with money, take advice from the psychology of prosperity:

  1. Do not worship money, but do not despise them. Objectively assess their importance in your life.
  2. Communicate with the right people. Stretch to the successful and avoid whiners.
  3. Never envy anyone. If someone from your friends do things better than you do, try to reach his level, and not him to fall to yours.

And the most basic rule is "you want money - make them". One desire will not bring any result, it must be backed up by actions. Stories with a suddenly fallen legacy and an oligarch husband in their life happen much less frequently than on TV screens and cheap novels.