Neurosis of compulsive movements

Unconsciously performed movements indicate that some kind of failure has occurred in the nervous activity of a person, but if these movements are repeated from time to time, then it is not a malfunction, but a disease. Namely, the neurosis of obsessive movements, which belongs to the category of obsessive-compulsive disorders.

Neurosis of obsession

Although the neurosis of obsession and divide into a neurosis of thoughts, movements, fears, perceptions, they all never appear in a person separately. Symptoms of the neurosis of compulsive movements will only manifest themselves when the fears are deep in the brain, and those will be manifested by false ideas obsessive thoughts.

The most characteristic and always present symptoms are:

How does the obsessive-compulsive neurosis arise?

In order to understand how to treat the neurosis of compulsive movements, it is necessary to realize where the legs of this trouble grow. Try to remember at what moment there was for the first time obsession in movements, thoughts, words. This will help when you are working with a psychologist, because you must necessarily understand what led to a malfunction of the nervous system.

Syndrome of obsession always appears in people who are predisposed to psychological disorders. And the consequences themselves (tick, fears) arise due to severe stress, anxiety, sadness, or even simply overwork of certain receptors. For example, a person working at a computer can easily experience a nervous tick of the eyelids.


More often, the treatment of the neurosis of compulsive movements is a combination of work with a psychologist and the use of sedatives. If the obsession has arisen because of overwork of the receptors - try to give your eyes a rest, do not sit for a long time in front of the TV, computer, do not read lying. If the cause of conflict, stress , overwork, you need again give yourself to relax: do not meet with people who annoy you (if possible take a vacation), avoid nervous tension, please yourself and in every possible way unload the brain.

In children, this disorder can occur even because of forced vacation in the camp, where the child was sent in spite of his reluctance. Since the situation is purely individual, how to cure the neurosis of obsessive movements should be determined by the doctor. And often the reason for the child's neurosis is precisely the parents (too grumpy, demanding and tyrannical), so they should never be involved in the "treatment" of the child.