Pulse during pregnancy

Since the time when a new life is born in the body, all of its organs and systems rebuild their work in such a way as to ensure the normal development and vital activity of the baby. Since the fetus receives oxygen and nutrients from the maternal blood, the heart of the woman must now work in a strengthened mode. The amount of work at the heart increases to the second trimester , when all the vital organs of the child are already formed. It is at this time that the volume of circulating blood increases, and the baby requires a full supply of oxygen and nutrients.

Therefore, the pulse in pregnant women, especially in the second half of pregnancy, is increasing. And many future mothers begin to notice shortness of breath, tachycardia, a strong palpitation, shortness of breath. In this regard, many women are concerned about what kind of pulse should be in pregnant women, whether the frequent pulse during pregnancy is a child's health.

Normal pulse during pregnancy

The raised pulse represents a normal condition during pregnancy, the question is only in what value of pulse is considered limiting.

The heart rate of each pregnant woman is different. As a rule, during pregnancy, the pulse rises by 10 - 15 units. So, for example, if in a normal state a woman had a pulse of 90, then during pregnancy, a pulse of 100 units is the norm. The normal pulse in pregnant women should not exceed 100-110 strokes. Exceeding these values ​​is a reason for examining women to discover the causes that cause abnormalities in the work of the cardiovascular system.

After the twelfth-thirteenth week, the pulse rate returns to normal indices and at rest is no more than 80-90 strokes. With increasing pregnancy, the amount of circulating blood increases, and, consequently, the load on the heart also increases.

By 26-28 weeks, the pulse rate in pregnant women rises and up to the end of pregnancy can be up to 120 beats per minute.

Increase of pulse in pregnancy

Pulse during pregnancy can be increased:

Low heart rate

At some women at pregnancy on the contrary, the low pulse is marked or celebrated. This condition is called bradycardia. Usually, there are no uncomfortable sensations with a decrease in the pulse of a woman. There may be dizziness, fainting. Sometimes, with a low pulse during pregnancy, the pressure may drop dramatically. Despite the fact that bradycardia is not observed very often, it must be borne in mind that it, too, can lead to heart damage. Therefore, in this case, a doctor's consultation is also required.

In general, slightly delayed pulse does not affect the general condition of a pregnant woman and does not pose a danger to the child.

To treat or not?

Most often, in order to bring the pulse back to normal, a pregnant woman needs to lie down and calm down. Do not worry about the baby, because his body is protected from various external influences. Even in the event that the pulse of a future mother grows to 140, the heart of the crumb continues to beat in a normal rhythm.

To show caution is necessary in those cases when to increase the pulse join:

But, usually, such a woman's condition does not pose a threat.

Nevertheless, when a woman is pregnant, to monitor her health and the health of the baby, she should visit the doctor regularly, where, in addition to gynecological examination, she measures the pulse and pressure.