Verbal poverty

People communicate with each other through verbal and non-verbal means, but it is verbal communication that serves as the main way of communication. Speech communication refers to verbal communication ; sound language combining the word, intonation, tone of voice, etc. With the help of speech, we pass on information to each other, exchange opinions, and so on. However, it is not always possible to "convey" to the interlocutor his thoughts and, as a rule, it is connected with verbal poverty.

What does verbal poverty mean?

Verbal communication is of great importance in a person's life, because the ability to express your own thoughts in a competent and correct language can depend on your future career, position in society, etc. Speech "flexibility" for all people is different, but a person who knows how to express his opinion beautifully, intelligently and clearly communicate, will always be respected and successful.

Well, if you are not able to explain what you want, you can not bring your information to the interlocutor, if your vocabulary is very scarce, then people around you will never understand you. It is "wretchedness" in communication, inability to express and express one's thoughts is called verbal poverty. No matter how you try to explain yourself, you will not be heard, your verbal poverty will not allow you to do this, which means that you will feel lonely, not understood by anyone, hence the complexes, and the insecurity, and secrecy.

What is the cause of verbal poverty?

The cause of the problem with speech communication can be:

  1. Psychological trauma inflicted in childhood . Such a trauma can be obtained due to the fact that the child was not allowed to speak, constantly interrupted his stories, etc., but over time, the desire, and accordingly the ability to express thoughts and reasoning disappears altogether.
  2. Low self-esteem . Because of insecurity, a person is afraid to state his own opinion, thinking that all his stories are simply uninteresting to others, and the fear of looking silly "makes" silent, well, the lack of speech practice leads to problems with communication.
  3. Banal illiteracy . Eloquence is not born with a person to speak competently, to have a large vocabulary, to master beautiful speech, a person needs to develop. Reading books, communicating with smart people, watching good films, etc. all this helps to broaden the horizon and, of course, improve spoken language .