
The word "rabatka" from the German language is translated as "bed". This is a small flower garden of narrow and long rectangular shape. The width of the design is usually from 50 to 150 cm, but the length - depending on the need and layout of your site. Very often they are used as curbs along the lawn, framing along paths, fences, walls of the house.

Rabatki are one-sided, two-sided, asymmetric or symmetrical. One-sided flower gardens are best placed along the houses, along the edges of the garden paths. In the background such plants are planted high plants, and in the foreground - undersized. Two-way rabatki are more suitable for the separation of wide avenues. In this case, the plants on them are arranged in the form of a pyramid: high - in the center, low - along the edges.

Decoration of the dream

Place for the rabbits are prepared the same way as for any flowerbed: dig over, remove the weeds. The surface for the cuttings is made even, so that there is no stagnation of water. And only if the flower bed is wide, then it is made slightly elevated in the middle. Planted plants on the rabatke in the form of a simple geometric pattern or figure. If the flower is very long, it is advisable to separate it with small round or rectangular flower beds, as if to break for greater harmony. In addition, the principle of repetition is used on long shirts, that is, the pattern of flowers is repeated at least 5 times. You can create a rhythm by repeating only one plant, which will be decorative throughout the season. Such a plant can be, for example, a peony bush.

They create the flowers most often from low annuals, but they can be perennials that bloom longer. On one rabbatka it is possible to combine annual and perennial plants. In addition to 2-3 kinds of flowers for the herb, various herbs are very suitable, especially spicy - it is both beautiful and practical. The color of the selection is chosen contrasting or monophonic. Monochrome shoots look more elegant than multicolored.

Flowers for the dream

When choosing the color range for the flowers, the bulk of the flowers should be calm, not brightly colored, and only 1/5 of all plants are bright, saturated colors. The optimal choice of flowers for the design is a combination of annual and perennial. From annuals, asters, bindweeds, carnations, and ageratum are most often planted in the shoots. And if you pick flowers with different periods of flowering, you can achieve bright colors in your garden from May to October. From perennials choose for the plants high deciduous plants and low blossoming. This will be the basis of the discount. Irises, chrysanthemums, phloxes and others are planted from undersized flowers. In order for the flowers to be bright and beautiful, the flowers in them plant very tightly to each other. Supplement the beauty of the rabbits bulbous and carpet plants - pansies, forget-me-nots, daffodils. When creating a rabble, you need to remember that after the blossoming of some plants, there are empty spaces. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose flowers that preserve the beauty of the leaves even after flowering.

Rabbit from roses

If a cut flower from roses is planned along the path, it is recommended to choose low-growing varieties and better without thorns. Spiny roses should be planted away from the paths. Roses in the factory are planted in several tiers. In the background, it is better to plant climbing roses, which will play the role of a background. Then closer - roses Grandiflora and Floribunda. And in the foreground - compact Patio and miniature roses.

Bright, colorful rabatka revive any landscape, will all summer delight you and your guests, if it correctly selected color combinations.