Does green coffee help to lose weight?

Advertising of green coffee is now found on many sites and manufacturers have consistently maintained that taking this product is justified and brings a quick effect. On some sites, you can find information that a single drink without changing the diet helps to reduce weight by almost a dozen kilograms per month. But is it worth to believe such promises? Let's try to figure out if green coffee helps to lose weight really.

How does green coffee help you lose weight?

Green coffee is the same coffee that we are used to. The difference is only that the black coffee has been roasted, and the green one has not. It is the refusal of heat treatment that has helped this product to keep the maximum of useful substances. Among them - chlorogenic acid. This substance causes the body to actively use the fat cells for vital activity, even in the presence of carbohydrates, which are usually a priority source of energy.

Many believe that this is enough for weight loss without effort. In fact, this is not so. Green coffee really helps to lose weight only if you stick to a proper diet or low-calorie diet. This is very simple: if you were able to gain weight with your current lifestyle, this means that with food you get more calories than you spend for life, and you force the body to store energy. That is, even with a good reaction of the body to the effect of green coffee, you will still continue to gain fat in return for lost kilograms. While you do not change your diet at the root, it is almost impossible to achieve real and long-term changes.

Usual green coffee helps to lose weight under the condition of observance of the elementary rules of healthy nutrition: a rich breakfast, a liquid dish (soup) for lunch, a light supper - for example, lean meat and vegetables. Do not eat too large portions, regularly eat sweets, flour products or fatty foods. Observance of these rules should be a way of life - only in this case you will really get good results and will not return to previous indications.

Green coffee: can I lose weight without an extra diet?

Weight loss is one way: the number of calories that you get with food should be less than what is necessary for life. To fill the gap, the body breaks down the deferred reserves, and as a result, you lose weight. That is, you can either reduce the intake of calories, or increase the consumption.

To achieve this effect, you can either with the help of proper nutrition, or with the help of active sports. If you refuse to eat, for whatever reason, you can not, your option is sport. To achieve rapid changes, we need rather intensive training, but the main thing is their regularity. If you do not train often enough, you simply can not create the necessary difference in the number of calories received and used, which means that the weight will remain the same, or change at too slow rates.

In order to achieve a relatively fast effect, you should combine a coffee with 3-4 workouts a week. It can be aerobics, a stap, circular training in the gym, intense dancing, zumba or swimming. The main thing is that you must give 100%!

In this case it is desirable to abandon the sweet, flour and fat, or at least control the use of these products. In addition, two hours before training and two hours after it you need to refrain from eating - it is allowed to drink only water.