How do IVF work?

In connection with the increasing number of infertile marriages, the procedure of extracorporeal fertilization is increasingly being used. IVF helps to solve problems with conception, related both to the problem in the female body, and to some pathological conditions of the husband's sperm. Therefore it is important to understand how IVF is done and what are its main stages.

Stages of IVF

We will understand how the IVF is done, and what manipulations should be done before the procedure. So, after a comprehensive examination and obtaining a negative analysis for the presence of viral and bacterial infections, proceed to the following manipulations:

  1. For IVF, you need to get a mature egg, and it is better to have a few. To this end, hormonal drugs are used to stimulate ovulation. The amount, dosage and duration of taking these drugs are selected by the doctor. In addition to stimulating ovulation on the background of hormonal therapy, the preparation of the mucous membrane of the uterus for the appearance of pregnancy also occurs. Determine the degree of "readiness" of the egg with the help of ultrasound.
  2. After the egg is ripe, it is necessary to remove it from the ovary. For this, a puncture is performed. Most often puncture the ovary through vaginal access with mandatory visual control by ultrasound.
  3. In parallel to the second stage, the sperm of the husband is examined, the most active and viable spermatozoa are selected. Then they undergo special treatment and "expect" a meeting with the egg.
  4. In the test tube, eggs and sperm are placed, where fertilization takes place. Another way of conception is to introduce the sperm into the cytoplasm of the egg. After that, fertilized eggs are grown in special incubators, observing their growth and development. At the age of three or five days the embryo is ready for implantation into the uterus.
  5. Embryos of the three-day or five-day period with the help of a thin catheter are transferred to the uterine cavity. It is recommended to "plant" two embryos. One can not "settle down", and two increase the risk of pregnancy. The remaining embryos are cryopreserved and can be used in the future.
  6. To increase the chances of pregnancy, supportive hormone therapy is prescribed.
  7. 14 days after the "replanting" of the embryo, an analysis is needed on the hCG and, according to its indices, evaluate the success of IVF in dynamics.

Nuances of procedure

It is possible to perform IVF in a natural cycle , that is, without hormonal stimulation of ovulation. We shall understand, on what day do or make a puncture at EKO in the given situation. Under the control of ultrasound, maturation of the egg is expected, and this occurs approximately on the 14th day of the cycle. Further, the steps correspond to the above scheme.

Many are concerned about whether it is painful to do IVF and what to be afraid of. The procedure is absolutely painless. After carrying out puncture of the ovary, and also after embryo insertion, some soreness in the lower abdomen is possible. The same puncture is carried out after preliminary anesthesia.

The first attempt at IVF is often unsuccessful. Therefore, IVF can be done, how many times is it necessary for the onset of pregnancy. Often the limit is how much IVF can be done, arises only because of financial difficulties.

Understand how old ECO is easy enough. IVF is possible as long as the ovaries mature in the ovary. But the older the woman, the more time the egg was exposed to the negative effects of environmental factors, the consequences of bad habits, unhealthy diet and diseases. Accordingly, the risk of having a child with various developmental abnormalities and genetic pathology is increased. For IVF, a donor egg can be used. Theoretically, in the absence of somatic diseases in this case there are no age restrictions.