Jam from a forest strawberry for the winter - recipes of a tasty and useful preparation

Jam from forest strawberries for the winter - recipes, thanks to which you can prepare a lot of useful conservation. True, such preparations are only available to assiduous cooks: the wild berry is miniature and difficult to clean. These small inconveniences are compensated by excellent taste, appetizing appearance and high vitamin composition.

How to cook jam from a forest strawberry?

Jam from a forest strawberry for the winter is not only delicious, fragrant, but also simple in preparation preparation. For its preparation, the berries are washed, cleaned, covered with sugar and left for 6 hours to isolate the juice. After, cook a treat according to the recipe. It should be remembered that the less berries are processed, the more useful the jam will be.

  1. Tasty jam from a forest strawberry will turn out, if from the harvested crop, to choose berries of the same size. They are more evenly cooked and will look impressive when served.
  2. In case of severe contamination, the berries should be thoroughly rinsed, for this they are transferred to a colander and washed, shaking under a cold stream of water to avoid wrinkling.
  3. The amount of sugar in cooking is adjusted to taste, but the proportions are considered optimal, when 1.2 kg is taken for 1 kg of berries.
  4. To keep the jam during storage, sugar citric acid should be added shortly before the end of cooking. As a rule, put 1 teaspoon for each kilogram of sugar.

Jam from a forest strawberry with whole berries

Delicious jam from a forest strawberry with whole berries is the dream of every mistress. Such desires can be embodied by repeated cooking and prolonged infusion of berry "semi-finished" products. Only this recipe guarantees a delicious, "berry to berry" billet, which can be obtained especially by patient and diligent cooks.



  1. Strawberry wash and clean from leaves.
  2. Pour half of sugar and leave for 6 hours.
  3. At the end of time, put on a plate and allow the berries to boil.
  4. Put 400 g of sugar and cook for 7 minutes.
  5. Remove from the plate for 10 hours.
  6. Repeat the process using the last 350 g of sugar.
  7. After 10 hours of cooling, cook for 5 minutes and pour over the jars.

Jam from strawberry forest with tails

Jam from strawberry forest with sepals is an original preparation. Green leaves give vareni spices and color, and greatly simplify cooking, eliminating mistresses from painstaking cleansing. The process is not complicated: pure berries are covered with sugar with citric acid, insist and boil twice with a daily interval.



  1. Rinse berries, remove excess moisture.
  2. Add sugar and citric acid, diluted in 50 ml of water.
  3. Leave the berries at night.
  4. Cook the strawberries for 5 minutes and set aside for a day.
  5. After that, cook again and pour over sterile jars.

Jam from strawberry forest "Pyatiminutka" for the winter

Jam from forest strawberry "Pyatiminutka" is distinguished by its special taste and fragrance. All thanks to a short cooking for five minutes, allowing to preserve the natural aroma in the berries, excellent structure, maximum vitamins and nutrients, which is the main requirement when creating winter blanks.



  1. In the peeled berries add 40 ml of water, sugar and mix.
  2. Place the container on the stove.
  3. Jam "Pyatiminutka" from the forest strawberries for the winter is a recipe in which the berries are cooked for 5 minutes and laid out on sterile jars.

Thick jam from forest strawberries for the winter

Dense jam from forest strawberries will be appreciated by bakers. This jam does not spread, it perfectly keeps the shape and is an excellent filling for biscuits and pies. The desired texture is achieved through a two-hour boiling of syrup and berries. As a result, we get a classic high-quality billet with a high shelf life.



  1. Peel the peeled berries and leave for 3 hours.
  2. Cook for 10 minutes and remove the strawberries from the syrup.
  3. Return the syrup to the stove and cook for an hour.
  4. Add berries, slices of lemon and cook for another hour.
  5. Remove the foam and pour over the jars.

Jam from a wood strawberry through a meat grinder

Twisted jam from forest strawberries is one of the most healthy and useful types of blanks. This jam is made solely for the sake of preserving vitamins. Since the jam is only briefly heated, but not cooked, the amount of sugar should be doubled - this will help the preservation to stand longer.



  1. Purified berries twist through the meat grinder along with the sugar.
  2. Put the mass on the stove, slowly warm it, not boiling.
  3. Pour over the cans and roll.
  4. Keep a simple jam of forest strawberries can only be in the refrigerator.

Jam from forest strawberry in syrup

Delicious jam from forest strawberries for the winter can be obtained without heat treatment. One of these methods, based on the repeated insistence of strawberries in syrup, is presented in this recipe. Feature - in boiling syrup, not berries. Prepared in this way jam for a long time retains rich color and unusual flavor.



  1. From sugar and water, cook the syrup.
  2. Add the peeled berries to it and remove it from the fire.
  3. Cool, take out the berries.
  4. Cook the syrup and put the berries back in it.
  5. Repeat the procedure twice, then spread the jam over the cans and roll.

Jam from a forest strawberry with gelatin

The recipe for jam from forest strawberries with gelatin has been a leading position for several seasons in a row. And all because gelatin allows you to weld a thick billet with a minimum amount of sugar, which is financially profitable and very useful. In addition, the jam perfectly keeps the shape and is often used as a decor for baking.



  1. Sprinkle the peeled berries with sugar and leave for 6 hours.
  2. After, cook for 15 minutes and cool.
  3. Soak gelatin in water.
  4. As soon as it swells, place it in a container with jam and cook for 10 minutes.

Jam from forest strawberries without cooking

The mashed jam from the forest strawberry, harvested in a "raw" way without cooking, is a useful and simple method of preservation, in which you only need to wipe the berries with sugar and spread the mass over sterile jars. For better storage, the billets can be lowered for a couple of minutes in boiling water, cooled and tamped with sugar residues.



  1. Pound the strawberries with 1 kg of sugar.
  2. Spread on cans and dip into boiling water for a couple of minutes.
  3. Put in the refrigerator for a day.
  4. Jam from forest strawberries for the winter - recipes in which the method of storage is important, because the berries are filled with the remaining sugar and placed in the cold.

Jam from a forest strawberry in a multivariate

Busy townspeople, with a couple of kilograms of berries, sugar and half an hour, can use the recipe for jam from forest strawberries in a multivarquet. In this case, cooking takes place in the usual sequence, except that the modern unit eliminates endless supervision and frequent stirring, evenly preparing the product for 30 minutes in the "Quenching" mode.



  1. Place the peeled berries in a bowl, add water and sugar.
  2. Set the "Quenching" mode to 30 minutes.
  3. Pour the prepared jam over sterile jars.