Why does my head hurt?

At one of the large enterprises during the lunch break, a friendly flock of accounting girls and secretaries discussed the past weekend. Each of the ladies had her own news and events, which she hurried to share with friends and colleagues. For example, the very young secretary Rita on Saturday had a birthday, stretched and on Sunday. Impressions of the girl was, though more. She talked gaily and enthusiastically about this:

- In a word, amused to the glory! That's just why, after such events, the head in the temples hurts and vomits, there are no forces.

"Well, this is a fixable thing, here's a tablet for you, it'll all go away in a minute," the oldest woman, the poorest woman, regretted, "they always help me."

"Thank you, Anna Mikhailovna, you are always so kind." What would we do without you?

- Come on, subliza. You better climb up to your Internet and find out why the occipital and frontal parts of the head ache, that's what you thank.

"Oh, I will do it!"

And the next day Rita fulfilled her promise by 200 percent, after learning about the causes of the headache in different places for the entire female team. That's what she did.

Why does the occipital or frontal part of the head ache?

It turned out that the causes of pain in the nape and pain in the forehead vary greatly, and, therefore, they should be treated separately. Among the long list of reasons that answer the question, why the occipital part of the head hurts, the most frequent and widespread were the following.

  1. Hypertension. The fact is that the blood enters the head through the cervical arteries, and flows from the bottom up. With increased arterial pressure, the vessels of the neck narrow, the blood presses against them, aggravating the spasm. This explains why the headache from behind.
  2. Cervical osteochondrosis. The ailment of all occupations in which it is necessary to maintain a prolonged monotonous position of the head. This includes accountants, secretaries, programmers, seamstresses and many others.
  3. Tired eyes. The fact that the visual center is in the occipital lobe of the brain is a well-known fact. And the fact that the eyes are tired from the prolonged load, also everyone knows. Consequently, there is nothing surprising in that a tired body sends a signal to the back of the head, and the latter in turn responds with pain.
  4. Myositis. Well, it's quite simple. I fell into a draft, my neck blew. The muscles contract, but it seems that the neck hurts.

And here are the reasons why the frontal part of the head hurts, much less. It can be either sinusitis and similar sores, or low blood pressure, or migraine after a long strain on the muscles of the head.

Why does my head hurt?

The reasons why the headache in the temples hurt, too, was a lot. But all of them can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Poisoning. It does not matter, food, alcohol, because of the general inflammation, because of diseases of the stomach or other organs. Toxins in any case with a headache, nausea and vomiting, a painful general condition.
  2. Vascular diseases. Vegeto-vascular dystonia, for example, or hypotension. Here the process is the reverse of hypertension. Vessels are dilated, they would give oxygen and nutrition, and blood drained down. It's from this oxygen starvation that whiskey breaks.
  3. Muscle spasms. The head, like all parts of the body, is provided with muscles. They weave it in the form of a helmet under a hairy cover. In this helmet, too, spasm can periodically occur, for example, from cold, noise or prolonged mental work. There is pain for you.

Why does half of my head ache?

The answer to the question why half of the head hurts, its left or right side, was a banal classic migraine. The main factor, because of which it arises, is a muscle spasm in the background of stress. For example, it was a hard working day, there were a lot of cases, the chief had chided. Has come home - the husband is dissatisfied with something, children do not obey. Nervous, poor, that's the result.

"Well done, Rita, you respected everyone." And why does the head ache in the evening or at night, did not read it?

- I read, in the evening from overwork, and at night - because of an incorrect pillow.

"Why does the headache hurt?" Giggled Zoya giggled.

"And this is yours, Zoya, an inflammation of cunning," laughed the girls.

And Anna Mikhailovna thoughtfully said:

- Yes, when you know why your head hurts, you will find a means to cure it.