Foods that reduce appetite

Have you ever wondered why you are having an appetite? The feeling of hunger is the signal of the stomach that you need to refresh yourself, but the appetite often has nothing to do with it. Appetite can arise if you see a beautiful image of food, passed by your favorite pastry shop, caught the aroma of fresh baked goods. This state is by no means always connected with the need for food, but it can not always be controlled. Consider what foods reduce appetite.

Foods that reduce appetite

Surely you think that these results lead only to some special dishes. In fact, everything is simpler: products that reduce and suppress appetite are familiar to you for a healthy diet. First of all, these are slow carbohydrates , plant foods and proteins:

If you compose your menu exclusively from such products, you will notice not only a decrease in appetite, but also a decrease in weight. You can make such sample menu options:

Option 1

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal , tea.
  2. The second breakfast is a serving of beans.
  3. Lunch is soup, a piece of bread.
  4. Dinner - meat / poultry / fish plus vegetables.

Option 2

  1. Breakfast - fried eggs, tea.
  2. The second breakfast is a glass of kefir
  3. Lunch - vegetable stew with chicken.
  4. Dinner - stewed mushrooms with buckwheat garnish.

Eating so, you quickly become unaccustomed to overeating, get rid of the constant appetite and greatly improve the figure. On such a diet, it is easy to drop 0.8 to 1 kg per week. A habit of healthy eating will save you from re-dialing kilograms.

What foods do not reduce appetite, but increase?

Appetite is directly related to such an indicator as the level of sugar in the blood. When this indicator jumps (it happens whenever you eat sweet, flour or fatty), and then falls sharply, it causes a desire to refresh. Hence the simple conclusion - if you do not provoke blood sugar jumps, you will not only help your cardiovascular system, but also definitely prevent the occurrence of unhealthy appetite.

If you do not give up such a diet, probably, no appetite-suppressing foods will help you, because against jumps of blood sugar, which they will be powerless.