Dyskinesia of the biliary tract

Dyskinesia of the biliary tract is called the disorder of their motor skills. As a result, the process of outflow of bile into the 12-colon is disturbed. This fact becomes a provoker of some diseases of the digestive tract.

Symptoms of biliary dyskinesia

The clinical picture of the pathology differs depending on the type of dyskinesia. There are 2 characteristic types:

Hypomotor dyskinesia is due to sluggish contractions of the gallbladder. As a result, a small amount of bile is released into the 12-типерстную intestine, which is simply not enough to process the incoming food. Symptoms that accompany the hypomotor type:

In the hypermotor type, the gallbladder walls are excessively active. This leads to spasm of the ducts. Symptoms characterizing the hypermotor type of dyskinesia:

Causes of dyskinesia

Pathology causes a number of factors, among which it can be noted:

To the most common causes of dyskinesia of the bile ducts, one can classify excision of the gallbladder, after which the disorder of the functionality of the sphincter of Oddi develops. This sphincter is a regulator of bile flow into the 12-colon.

Treatment of biliary dyskinesia

The treatment scheme is selected depending on the type of pathology. With hypermotor dyskinesia, antispasmodics are used to relax the strained walls of the ducts and bladder. In the case of the hypomotor type, it is recommended to take choleretic preparations, which allow strengthening the contractile function of the organ. Washings of the bile ducts are widely used, if the use of medicines does not have a significant effect.

If dyskinesia is diagnosed with cholecystitis, it is recommended to include painkillers in the treatment program, as well as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. Absence of treatment provokes the development of complications, as a result of which the liver, intestines and pancreas can suffer.

Nutrition for dyskinesia of the biliary tract

Any drug therapy will be powerless if a person with diagnosed dyskinesia does not begin to eat rationally:

  1. Strictly forbidden to eat sharp, as well as fatty foods. In principle, all dietary nutrition in this case can be reduced to the rule of three F - to exclude from the diet fatty, fried, egg yolks. This rule applies to people suffering from hypermotor type of pathology. With insufficient intake of bile into the intestine, egg yolks are allowed.
  2. Also, in the hypermotor type of dyskinesia, you should enter in the menu more buckwheat, whole grain bread and greens, saturated with magnesium. It is this component that perfectly removes spasms.
  3. For both types, the number of animal fats should be limited.
  4. It is advisable not to drink alcohol-containing drinks, coffee and strong tea. But it is allowed to drink mineral water with released carbon dioxide.

In order not to think how to treat dyskinesia of the biliary tract, it is enough to stick to the dietary table and try not to react too emotionally to all sorts of life peripeteias.