Arthritis of the foot

Arthritis of the joints of the foot is a common disease among people of mature and elderly age. He brings great discomfort due to frequent inflammation and painful sensations in the joints.

It is not easy to fight this disease, it often takes a chronic form, but, nevertheless, it is possible and necessary to fight it: let's figure out how you can ease your condition and what methods of treatment are most effective.

Causes of foot arthritis

Gouty arthritis of the foot occurs when uric acid and its derivatives, urate, accumulate in the joints. It is believed that this is a disease of "meat-eaters", tk. these substances accumulate in the body due to eating meat. Gouty arthritis men are more likely than women, but, nevertheless, no one is insured, and the more age, the higher the likelihood of this disease.

There are 4 factors that can trigger a gout attack:

  1. Alcohol consumption.
  2. Prevalence in the diet of fatty meat dishes.
  3. Frequent use of tea, coffee, cocoa.
  4. Bath procedures.

Rheumatoid arthritis of the foot is an autoimmune disease, it arises from the fact that the immune agents of the body perceive the cells of their body as strangers and destroy them. Therefore, inflammation is formed and the joints begin to ache and deform.

Symptoms of foot arthritis

Gout is different in that it has an acute onset: the big toe begins to ache sharply, swells and redness is seen in this area. Then it spreads to other joints, but its difference from arthritis is that the affected areas are not symmetrical. The patient feels burning, pressing and throbbing pain in the area of ​​the big toe. At night, it manifests itself more often than in the daytime. When the gout passes into a chronic form, on the joint, tofusi - cones are formed. Exacerbations can occur from two to six times a year and last up to two days.

Rheumatoid arthritis begins in adulthood - between 30 and 55 years, and in more rare cases occurs in children. The inflammatory process begins symmetrically in the joints of the toes or hands and spreads to the rest of the area. Regardless of where it started, arthritis almost always affects the small joints of the foot.

Affected places swell and blush. Over time, the joints acquire a form of vorticity and their movements are limited. Pain with rheumatism is not acute, but intensifies in the morning.

Treatment of foot arthritis

As practice shows, the treatment of foot arthritis takes a long time and is more preventive in nature (except for pain relief).

With an acute attack of gout, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, and in order to prevent them or reduce the amount, one must adhere to a diet that is rich in vegetable products and involves limiting the meat of fish and alcohol. Also sometimes prescribed drugs that reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood.

Rheumatoid arthritis, being an autoimmune disease, is incurable. However, with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs (and sometimes surgical intervention), it is possible to slow down and even stop for some time pathological changes.

Arthritis of the foot: treatment with folk remedies

When arthritis helps cranberries, which are brewed as tea and drink. Also useful and a decoction of black currant: it is boiled and then drink 3 tablespoons. in a day.

Interesting is the folk method of treatment from the healer Vanga, who offered to take 20 roots of the junkie, put them in a bucket and pour 10 liters of water. Then it should be put on fire and cook the roots for 1 hour. After the broth cools down, you need to pour 2 liters, and the rest to use for taking a bath in the morning and before going to bed. First you need to steam your feet, and then hands, and then take those separated 2 liters and rinse them with your head.