Muffins from chicken liver

Muffins are such baked goods, small cupcakes of round or oval shape. Muffins - a dish of English culinary traditions, perfectly suitable for breakfasts and lunches.

A well-known English version of the muffin test (using yeast) and the American version (using baking powder). Typically, various flavoring fillers are added to the dough for this baking. Such additives are fruits, berries, jams and jams, chocolate and / or coconut shavings, ground nuts of various kinds, fresh vegetables, cheese, meat, fish. As you understand, muffins can be sweet and unsweetened. Unhealthy muffins are good not only for Brecci and lunch, but also for later afternoon meals. For the preparation of muffins, wheat, oatmeal and corn flour, or a mixture thereof, may be used. It is even better to use flour mixed with cereal flakes.

Tell you how to make delicious and nutritious muffins from chicken liver, the recipe will definitely interest those who love baked liver, but seeks to limit the use of sugar from dietary considerations. By the way, the liver is a wonderful source of vitamins (mainly A and B), as well as compounds of iron, copper, calcium, zinc, sodium and amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, methionine, folic acid).

Muffins from chicken liver



We pour oat flakes with milk or yogurt and let stand for 30 minutes to swell. If you add corn flour, fill it with flakes immediately.

The liver (raw) we will pass through a meat grinder, it is possible together with the small cleared bulb onions (or it is possible to grind with the help of a blender).

Swell up the flakes, too, using a blender. We connect the hepatic mass with flakes and add eggs, flour, brandy, spices, salt, chopped greens and soda.

Beat the mixer, gradually add the sifted wheat flour. Fill the dough into the molds (silicone is especially convenient, since they do not need to be lubricated). If you have metal molds, grease them with butter. We fill the forms not to the edge, but only to 3/4 of the volume - the dough can rise slightly. Bake the hepatic muffins in the oven at a temperature of about 200 degrees C for 45 minutes approximately.

To muffins we prepare creamy or sour cream sauce (cream slightly season with garlic, lemon juice, you can add nuts in the form of pasta or chopped). To muffins it is good to submit fruit juices, coffee or tea.

Of course, hepatic muffins can be cooked not only from chicken liver. Liver of other domestic birds and animals is quite suitable. The turkey liver is better mixed in half with chicken, because it somewhat bitter and dryish. Pork liver is quite good for muffins, it can be used in pure form or again mixed with chicken. Beef or lamb liver is better to pre-soak in milk with the addition of a pinch of two soda, and then rinse.

The test for liver muffins can also include boiled potatoes (in the form of mashed potatoes), wiped cottage cheese, grated hard cheese, grated pumpkin or zucchini. To such hearty hepatic muffins, especially if they are with pumpkin and / or potatoes, do not serve garnish, confine yourself to vegetable salads, pickled cucumbers, olives, capers (or domestic raznosolami). In the evening, you can serve a mug of sherry or other light strong wine, a glass of ale.