Hyperhidrosis of the feet

Hyperhidrosis of the feet is a localized form of hyperhidrosis, often combined with increased sweating of the palms and underarms. This pathology delivers a great discomfort - both physical and psychological. Constantly moist feet quickly freeze, easily rubbed with shoes, get an unpleasant smell. And the symptoms of the hyperhidrosis of the feet appear even when wearing free and open shoes made of natural materials, while walking barefoot, regardless of the air temperature.

Causes of hyperhidrosis of feet

Most often there is idiopathic hyperhidrosis of the feet, which is associated with genetically caused increased activity of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system. The main provoking factors of bouts of excessive sweating are stressful situations. In other cases, the hyperhidrosis of the feet is a secondary disorder caused by various pathologies:

How is hyperhidrosis treated?

The most simple and inexpensive way to treat excessive sweating of the foot skin is the use of local remedies that narrow the sweat glands that have a harmful effect on the pathogenic microflora, eliminating a bad odor. At an easy degree of a pathology this method is effective under condition of obligatory observance of hygienic actions, including:

Also, patients with this problem are recommended to use special insoles with adsorbent, gymnastics to improve circulation of the feet.

More radical methods of treatment of hyperhidrosis of feet are:

Treatment of hyperhidrosis in the home

Quite good results show the use of folk remedies in the fight against hyperhidrosis of the feet. The most common and effective are the foot baths based on decoctions of various raw materials:

Baths should be done daily for 20-30 days. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, after which the feet should not be wiped, but dried in the air.