Review of the book "Willpower: How to Develop and Strengthen" by Kelly McGonigal

Most of us sooner or later come to the conclusion that it is not so much the external circumstances that prevent us from achieving our goals, as a saboteur who lives inside of each of us. It is he, under the guise of good intentions, persuades us to relieve stress with a cigarette, or a piece of chocolate cake, sleep longer and skip training in the gym. With its help, we gladly return to bad habits and with such difficulty get useful. And what do you think this "pest" is? Our brain! So it is to this issue that Kelly McGonigall's book "Willpower. How to develop and strengthen. "

After reading these 10 interesting chapters, you will understand the main thing - what makes people act like this, and not otherwise in certain situations. After all, it's much easier to just say to myself that I'm a limp rag that once again squandered all the salaries on sale or broke the diet of those tempted by strawberry cake than to try to explain why we are doing these "wrong" actions again and again.

But even if you can boast of iron willpower (and I sincerely envy you), after reading this book, you will learn a lot of interesting things about the secrets of the average person's behavior - why do we perceive our "future self" as a stranger, can not distinguish desire from happiness and how to stop thinking about a polar bear.

You will learn to notice marketing tricks, answer your inner voice and wait 10 minutes before giving in to temptation - this is what you will be asked to do at the end of each chapter - to observe the environment, conduct an experiment and draw conclusions. And it really fascinates!