Radish - good and bad

Radish is a plant from the cabbage family, giving edible roots, which have a characteristic sharp taste, due to the content of mustard oil. Radish root crops are round (less often oblong spindle-shaped), usually red, white-pink, purple or yellow.

Radish is successfully cultivated, it is grown both in the open way and in greenhouses. Various varieties of this crop are known (by origin they distinguish between European, Chinese and Japanese groups).

What is useful about radish?

The use of radish for the human body is unquestionable. Useful properties of radish are caused by high content (especially in root crops) of various useful substances, namely: vitamins (A, B1 and C) and trace elements (valuable compounds of potassium, phosphorus and iron). Also in radishes contain nicotinic acid and vegetable fibers.

In the spring period after prolonged cold winters radish promotes rapid restoration of immunity . Dishes with radish promote strengthening intestinal peristalsis and normalize bile secretion, which improves the work of excretory and digestive systems of the human body. However, with exacerbations of gastrointestinal problems, the use of radish should be limited.

Radish improves the joints and general tone. This wonderful root produces an appetite and, due to the content of potassium, has anti-edematous properties. Particularly radish is useful for obesity, gout, diabetes.

The use of radish improves the skin condition and complexion, promotes good cardiovascular work, causes blood and toxins, reduces the level of "bad cholesterol".

There is an opinion that the anthocyanins contained in the radish may prevent the emergence and development of various neoplasms.

Benefit and harm of radish

Natural substances - phytoncides, contained in radish - natural antibiotics. Thus, using radish in the spring period, we protect ourselves from colds and inflammatory diseases.

The first thing worth mentioning in contraindications is gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastritis and ulcers. In this case, the use of radish should be limited and included in the diet no more than once a week, in order to avoid exacerbation of diseases.

One should be careful also for those who have problems with the thyroid gland, since the cyanogenic glycosides contained in the radish can cause a goiter.