Pig ears - the best ideas for using by-products for original dishes

Pig ears are a by-product that causes mixed and controversial reviews. Some people do not like the presence of the cartilage in the dishes from it, and some simply are delighted with the snacks performed with his participation. To assess such culinary creations, it will be possible, having executed simple and accessible recipes.

How to cook pork ears?

Dishes from pork ears attract not only excellent taste, but also comparative simplicity of preparation.

  1. Initially, the subproduct is washed using a brush under a stream of warm water, if necessary, soaking for a short time in warm water.
  2. Prepared ears are cooked to the full. In the water add only salt or season it with laurel, pea pepper, roots, onions.
  3. The welded by-product is used for the preparation of spicy and savory snacks, salads, used for stuffing or baking in the oven.
  4. Pig ears can be smoked, marinated or cooked from them a delicious cold.

He from pig ears

To prepare a delicious Korean snack he will need boiled pork ears, which are poured with cold water, poured and cooked until soft for about 2.5-3 hours. The dish can be prepared with the addition of Korean carrots and without and adjust the degree of sharpness and piquancy with the amount of garlic and pepper.



  1. The boiled ears are cooled, dried and cut into strips.
  2. Mix the oil with vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, coriander, seasonings and garlic, spread to the by-product.
  3. Stir thoroughly pig ears in Korean, left in the refrigerator for a day.

Salad of pork ears

Pig ears are an excellent ingredient for making all kinds of eateries salads. Salad red onion can be further scalded with boiling water or marinated in a mixture with the addition of salt, sugar, lemon juice or vinegar. As a dressing, mayonnaise or sour cream with mustard is ideal.



  1. Pork ears are boiled in salted water with the addition of laurel and peas of sweet pepper.
  2. After cooling, the ears are dried, cut into strips.
  3. Add hard-boiled chopped eggs, half-rings of onions.
  4. Season the salad of pork ears with mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste.

Pig ears for beer - recipe

Perfectly suited pig ears for beer, if they are prepared according to the following recipe. Snack can be served after the slicing has been mashed or additional frying of the product in a vegetable oil heated up in a frying pan. In the marinade you can add apple or wine vinegar, various spices.



  1. The ears are boiled in salted water.
  2. After cooling, dry the product and cut into strips.
  3. Add the garlic, half a serving of butter and all the seasonings, leave for 2 hours.
  4. If you want, snack fry on the remaining oil for 5-7 minutes.

Roll of pork ears

Pork cooked ears are used to create all kinds of rolls. The filling can be pork flesh, beef, chicken fillet or a mixture with the addition of nuts, dried fruits and various vegetables. Collapse the roll is convenient with a dense food film, after which the product is tied with twine.



  1. The ears are boiled with the addition of a bulb and one carrot.
  2. Cool the by-product, spread on the film overlapping, laying the tops inward.
  3. On top, slice chopped and flavored meat, and then fry from onions and carrots.
  4. Each layer is sprinkled with gelatin.
  5. Fold a roll of pork ears with chicken, tie it with string and boil for 2 hours on moderate fire.
  6. When ready, put the roll under the press before cooling, and before cutting and feeding, cool.

Roasted Pig Ears

Pork fried ears can only be lightly browned or soaked in hot oil until a saturated crunch is obtained. When frying, the product is often supplemented with onions or garlic, which is laid in a frying pan at the last minute of roasting. The result is an independent dish or a component for salads.



  1. The ears are boiled with the addition of laurel and peas, pepper, drain and drain.
  2. Cut the product into strips, spread out in preheated oil, fry for 5 minutes.
  3. Supplement the fried pork ears with a sliced ​​onion, cook for another 5-7 minutes.
  4. Throw garlic, stir the dish, warm up a minute.

Pig ears baked in the oven

An incredibly tasty snack, a snack to beer or a component for making hearty salads will become baked pork ears in the oven. The presented set of seasonings is variable and can be adjusted at its own discretion by adding other spices or replacing them with the suggested ones.



  1. The byproduct is boiled in salted water with the addition of onions, laurel, peppercorns and cloves.
  2. Discuss the ears, cut into strips, season with a mixture of butter, curry, paprika and pepper.
  3. Spread the mass on a baking tray or in a mold and bake the pig's ears in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Stuffed Pig Ears

If you want to use the pig's ears in an original and unusual way in cooking, the recipes for preparing the by-product in a stuffed form will be ideal for this. The filling can be sliced ​​and fried with spices meat, minced meat , mushroom toast, vegetable assortment or other ingredients of your choice and taste.



  1. Boil with the laurel and pea peppers ears.
  2. Minced meat mixed with onion, eggs, salt and pepper.
  3. The boiled ears have a base on the foil.
  4. Lay the layers of grated carrots, garlic, minced meat and greens, seasoning the layers and sprinkling with gelatin.
  5. Connect neatly two ears together, tops, tightly wrapped with foil and put in a tight sealed bag.
  6. Boil the snack in water for 1.5 hours, then remove it from the bag and place under the press for 5 hours.

Snack of pork ears

Pork ears, whose recipes involve the use of Asian technologies and seasonings, are very popular. The highlight of the appetizer presented in this section will be a savory dressing and salted cucumbers that harmoniously fit into the overall palette of taste. Sesame before serving should be lightly fried.



  1. Boil and cut the ears with straw.
  2. Shirkuyut straw onions, carrots, pickled cucumbers.
  3. Fry in onion onions with carrots, add cucumbers, ears.
  4. Pour in soy sauce, throw garlic, chili and coriander, allow components for 5 minutes.
  5. When serving, sprinkle with a sesame snack.

Smoked pork ears - recipe

Smoked pork ears - an ideal snack for serving beer . Own snack prepared in times is more useful and cheaper than store analogs. To fulfill the recipe, you will need a smoking smokehouse with alder chips or apple branches. A bouquet of spices for cooking can be selected individually.



  1. Washed ears pour water, add salt, peppercorns, a buckwheat star, dill and chopped garlic, onion, laurel.
  2. Pour in soy sauce and cook the by-product 1-1.5 hours.
  3. Leave the ears to cool in the broth, then spread on the grill smokehouses, close the device and smoke the product for 30 minutes.

How to marinate pork ears?

At the same time, pickled pork ears are obtained by sharp, piquant, with pronounced sourness. There are many ways to create snacks, each of which differs in the composition of marinade and seasonings used. Instead of the usual vinegar, you can use wine or apple, and wasabi replaced with flakes of red pepper.



  1. The ears are boiled with pepper, laurel, onion and clove of garlic, having salted to taste.
  2. After complete cooling, the by-product is cut into strips and seasoned with a marinade prepared from the remaining ingredients.
  3. Give an opportunity to snack an hour at room conditions and clean for 2 hours in the cold.

Porcine ears cold

This section will help you figure out how much to cook pork ears for a cold, so that they become soft and fully reveal their gelling properties. The product can be supplemented not only with chicken, but with another bird, pork, beef. The water should be so much that it completely covers the components.



  1. Fill the ears with water and cook on a quiet fire for 2 hours.
  2. Add the chicken, the whole bulb and carrots.
  3. Throw laurel, peas of pepper, salt, cook a cold 2 more hours.
  4. Chop the ears and chicken with slices, lay out on trays or plates, adding crushed garlic, pour filtered strained broth.
  5. After solidifying the dish in the cold, serve it with horseradish or mustard.