Kefir diet for weight loss

Kefir diet for weight loss is one of the fashionable diets: it does not affect health negatively, does not require suffering enduring hunger (in most variants), and also gives positive quick results, as yogurt is an excellent low-calorie product, which is important for intestinal health. You can choose any option, they are all quite effective.

Fast kefir diet (mono-diet)

This option lasts only three days, and mainly this kefir diet is effective for the stomach, because there is an active cleansing of the intestine, causing the stomach to stop sticking out and will be more flat. You can lose up to 3 kilograms.

The menu of kefir diet is very simple: you can drink up to 1.5 liters of 1% kefir a day, as well as 2-3 liters of clean water. In kefir, you can add bran (not sweet), and preferably fiber (like the famous "Siberian Fiber"). It perfectly suppresses the feeling of hunger and gives a feeling of lightness.

Kefir diet every other day

We all imagine what a day off is. The essence of such a diet is that in a day you will have a fasting day, in which all the conditions described in the fast kefir mono-diet are relevant.

The other day you can eat as you want, however, if you avoid excessively high-calorie foods, the effectiveness of kefir diet will be higher.

Kefir diet of the Institute of Nutrition

This is an excellent, balanced option, in which for 21 days you can lose weight by 10 kilograms. It is also pleasant that such a diet does not imply a specific menu, and the requirements are not too stringent:

  1. Maximize the caloric content of your food. Choose low-fat foods, low-fat meat, not starchy fruits and vegetables.
  2. Completely discard sugar, bread, baked goods and potatoes.
  3. Drink can be up to 1.5 liters per day: necessarily - 1 liter of 1% kefir, the rest - two glasses of water.
  4. Limit the use of salt! Do not exceed 5 grams per day, do not salt food when cooking, but only in a plate.
  5. Eat daily at the same time, five to six times a day (breakfast, 2nd breakfast - kefir, lunch, afternoon tea - kefir, dinner, late dinner - kefir).

The results of kefir diet depend on how accurately you fulfill all the requirements: in addition, kefir normalizes the intestinal microflora, and you will generally feel lighter and more pleasant.

Kefir-cottage cheese diet

This kefir diet is effective for losing weight belly, because both cottage cheese and yogurt very well stimulate metabolism, which makes the body more energetic - including fat stores.

The diet assumes an alternation of three types of menus:

  1. Cottage cheese day. For the whole day, you need to eat 500-600 grams (3 packs) of cottage cheese (0-5% fat), dividing it into six equal in volume receptions. You can drink it only with water, during the day to drink clean water - about 2 liters.
  2. Kefir day. It is necessary to drink 1 - 1.5 liters of 1% kefir for the same 6 receptions. In addition, you can drink up to two liters of water.
  3. Kefir-cottage cheese day. Eat no more than 300 grams of cottage cheese and 750 ml of kefir. Of course, again the same portions for 5-6 receptions. Again, you can additionally drink only water.

Such a diet can be adhered to from 3 to 6 days. Before you leave the kefir diet, start gradually adding other products and do not exclude kefir immediately. That is, after 3 or 6 days of nutrition for this system, leave the yogurt and cottage cheese for breakfast and dinner, and dine with the usual food for you. The next day, add breakfast from regular products. Watch for caloric intake, there is a risk of quickly gaining weight if you attack and have everything you want.