Picking mushrooms

Our topic today is dedicated to lovers of spicy mushroom pickles. To experienced mushroom pickers it is unlikely that our material will be interesting, they already know perfectly how to cope with the pleasant consequences of mushroom hunting. But newcomers in this business will learn a lot of interesting things.

Picking mushrooms for the winter in cans in a hot way at home


Calculation of three liter cans:


Before proceeding to picking mushrooms, rinse them thoroughly, if necessary, clean and soak and put in an enameled container. In the water we dissolve the salt and pour it to the mushrooms in the pan. Put the dishes on the fire, warm the contents to a boil, stirring, and cook on moderate heat for twenty to thirty minutes. Ready mushrooms should sink to the bottom, rather than float on the surface. Now remove the pan from the fire and let the mushrooms cool completely, without removing them from the brine.

While the mushrooms are boiling and cooling, we sterilize and dry the jars, we clean and chop the garlic. At the bottom of each glass container throw about three pieces of sweet pepper, five pieces of black and two leaves of laurel. Cooled mushrooms fill the jars, alternating layers with garlic and dill, topping the brine so that it completely covers the contents and pour in vegetable oil with a layer of about five millimeters. We close the jars with plastic lids and place them in the refrigerator for storage. It is better to place each container in a bag or put it in a pallet, in order to avoid leaks and contamination of the refrigerator.

In two or three months the pickles will be ready. If there is a desire to accelerate the process somewhat, it is necessary to keep the mushrooms in the banks for two days at room temperature, and only then put them in the refrigerator.

Picking mushrooms for the winter in a cold way - recipe



Mushrooms can be salted as in special kegs, and in glass jars or enameled containers. The most suitable for this purpose are young mushrooms, they turn out to be crispy and incredibly tasty. And the hats of more mature individuals become friable and flabby in the process of salting.

It is possible to pickle mushrooms of any kind, the main thing is to prepare them properly before the process itself. For example, oily and russet must necessarily remove the skins from the hats, and most mallelers require a long pre-soaking.

In any case, the mushrooms are washed well before salting and letting drain.

In the meantime, we prepare a container for pickling mushrooms and lay half of used spices on its bottom. You can correct the proposed list at your discretion by replacing some spices with others or by reducing them to a minimum. But we draw your attention to the fact that the root of horseradish prevents the development of mold to some extent, and its leaves give mushrooms a crunchy taste, so when making your list of spices and spices, we recommend that you include this vegetable.

Now fill the container with spices properly prepared mushrooms, pouring each layer necessarily not with iodized salt, from the calculation is one hundred and twenty twenty grams per three kilograms of raw materials.

We put the mushrooms on top of the remaining spices and cover with a clean cut of cotton fabric or folded several times with gauze and press something heavy. If the weight of the cargo is correct, then the mushrooms will be completely covered with the separated juice after a while. Otherwise, the cargo should be replaced by a heavier one.

About a day later, the fungi stay at room temperature, we determine them in a cool place for one to two months, depending on the species. In the process of salting daily rinse the oppression and change the tissue substrate to a clean one.