Why do the ribs hurt?

The reasons why ribs can hurt are quite a lot. Most of them are quite serious and require urgent treatment. And to protect yourself from the various unpleasant consequences of soreness, these reasons are very important to know.

Why can the ribs on both sides or on one side hurt?

  1. Do not be surprised if the pain appeared after a serious injury. Even if the rib is broken, nothing special can be done. These bones, as a rule, heal by themselves within a few months. After that, discomfort disappears.
  2. The reason why the ribs hurt with inspiration, there may be such a problem as hypertrophied muscle tone in the chest.
  3. With fibromyalgia, pain occurs during twisting of the trunk or raising hands.
  4. Tietze syndrome is a disease in which rib cartilages become inflamed. In particular, those that are attached to the sternum. The disease is acute, but paroxysmal.
  5. Sometimes the reason why the rib hurts when pressed, becomes osteochondrosis .
  6. Because of malignant tumors, pain does not go away for long. Their character can be very diverse. For a long time the neoplasm may not manifest itself in any way. And the pain occurs quite suddenly as a result of a minor light injury.
  7. Surprisingly, sometimes the pain in the sternum can be psychogenic. That is, it appears not because of some disease, but against a background of a strong nervous shock, stress, frustration.
  8. A common reason why the ribs hurt when coughing is intercostal neuralgia. Usually patients with this problem can easily show on the place where they have pain. For ailment, irritation or nerve compression is characteristic. It can happen because of strong impacts, curvatures of the spine, excessive tension of muscles and ligaments, hernias.