Signs of a hormonal failure

Almost every woman faces this phenomenon, like the failure of the hormonal system. However, in view of the fact that not all women know the main manifestations of this violation, some ladies may not even know it. In such cases, the present symptomatology is written off for overwork, nervous overstrain, stress. Let's describe in detail the main signs of hormonal failure that occurs in women of different ages.

How is the disruption of the hormonal system manifested?

First of all, it should be noted that there can be many manifestations of such violations. This fact often quite difficult to diagnose and identify the cause. However, most often the presence of hormonal failure in the body of women is indicated by the following symptoms:

  1. Irregular menstrual flow. In this case, there may be different types of menstrual irregularities (delay, prolongation, irregularity). As a rule, this kind of phenomenon is one of the first signs of hormonal failure.
  2. A sharp change in mood, increased irritability. In most cases, women with a disruption of the hormonal system have a bad mood, nervousness, frequent breakdowns for no particular reason. Also, girls can show aggression towards others, anger, which were previously uncharacteristic of her.
  3. Weight gain. This phenomenon can also be attributed to the subjective signs of the violation. The change in hormonal equilibrium often leads to increased growth of fatty tissue, which ultimately affects the total body weight.
  4. Decreased sexual desire.
  5. Chronic fatigue , poor sleep, headaches and even hair loss - can also indicate a violation of the hormonal background in women.

In this case, the manifestation of these features can be diverse. Often they appear and disappear after a while, which gives the woman the right to believe that this was a temporary phenomenon.

Thus, knowing what signs indicate the presence of hormonal failure, a woman will be able to respond quickly to the situation and seek medical help. After the earlier the correction of the hormonal background is started, the faster the symptoms of the disorder disappear, and the probability of the development of the gynecological disease will be reduced to zero.