Kundalini Yoga - Harmony and Weight Loss

Previously, kundalini yoga was a secret teaching that was transmitted from the teacher to the best student. Kundalini yoga is a kind of Tantra yoga, the oldest kind of yoga. Kundalini is also called fast and modern yoga, because in itself it contains the teachings of all other yogic directions, yoga lovingly calls it a diamond, in which every facet is a separate teaching in yoga.

Disclosure of internal energy

Kundalini yoga is not only the harmony of the soul, but also losing weight. Classes are in the form of interval training, consisting not of typical asanas, but of kriyas - mobile complexes, which are a collection of asanas. Each kriya is assigned a certain time interval.

As for harmony, for this in kundalini yoga a rather strong emphasis is placed on breathing techniques. Experienced yogis say that the energy that slumbers inside of us must awaken and rush upward, through the main energy channel - the spinal column. Well, special breathing techniques, meditation and poses from kundalini yoga will help you to do this.


The most popular in the world is hatha yoga - it accentuates your attention on the development of the body. Matra yoga is yoga of sounds, tantra - visual forms. So, kundalini yoga differs from hatha yoga and all other directions in that in 11 minutes of training you will work out both physical, and sound, and visual yoga.


Kundalini yoga since its revelation to the world community has enjoyed immense popularity in the treatment of various psychological diseases. For the first time this kind of yoga was demonstrated at the beginning of the 20th century, and doctors already noticed the obvious advantages of the method.

This yoga can be practiced, even if you do not have any "base", at your age it is no longer accepted to start playing sports, and even if you have never done anything. And in return, kundalini yoga is attractive to women in that it helps to release endorphins and relieves long-term depressions, sexual dissatisfaction, improves appearance, cleanses the lymphatic system. And, of course, promotes weight loss, like any other motor activity.


Many yogic teachings presuppose a departure from society in order to be alone with oneself to realize that there is peace. However, kundalini yoga on the contrary promotes socialization, disclosure and overcoming stiffness. In addition, this kind of yoga teaches to observe, as if from outside, for their desires, thoughts and sensations. Thanks to this, the most important thing is the harmony with oneself.