Winter diet for weight loss - the 5 most effective

Many people relax with the onset of cold weather and allow themselves excess in terms of food. Collected kilograms for the winter are forced with the onset of heat to look for a method to quickly lose weight and return to the form. To avoid this, you can use effective winter diets.

Proper nutrition in winter

In the cold season, the body goes into reduced energy consumption, which is manifested in reduced efficiency and drowsiness. There is a slowdown and metabolic processes, which leads to a set of excess weight , especially if you back it up with the wrong food. Food in winter should comply with several simple rules approved by nutritionists:

  1. Fasting is banned and the main products for weight loss are protein foods: lean meat, fish, sour-milk products and legumes.
  2. Another important component of the diet is seasonal vegetables, which contain many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. They include cabbage, pumpkin, beets, turnips and others.
  3. Do not forget about fruits and, especially, about citrus fruits, which are the main suppliers of vitamins during the cold season. Attention deserve and dried fruits, but they can not be eaten in large quantities.
  4. Winter diet allows to include carbohydrates in the menu, because without them immunity will decrease, and the risk of infection with cold diseases will grow. To get energy, you can eat whole grain bread, cereals, bread and so on.
  5. Many people forget about water in the cold time and this is a big mistake, since the daily volume should not be less than 1.5 liters. It is also recommended to drink homemade compotes, fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices and teas.
  6. Necessarily the body should receive hot food, and this can be both food and beverages. It is also recommended to use additional spices in addition.
  7. Do not forget that the diet should be varied, so do not concentrate on the same products.
  8. You can not give up fat completely, so use vegetable oils, for example.
  9. Choose a fractional food, eating food in small portions. This is important for maintaining metabolic processes and for getting rid of hunger.

How to tune in to lose weight in winter?

In the winter cold evenings it is very difficult to give up a cup of tea with sweets. Do not forget that the heat ahead and all the kilograms gained will spoil the appearance. To tune in to lose weight in the winter, you need to find motivation for yourself, for example, it can be new clothes. The desired goal will not allow to retreat. There are several different diets that will help not to relax in the winter or you can just follow the rules of dietetics.

Winter effective diets

There are many techniques aimed at maintaining the form or getting rid of excess weight. Nutritionists do not recommend using strict diets, because in the cold season the body needs support. Pick up a winter diet for weight loss should be tailored to your own preferences, so that there is no desire to eat something forbidden and harmful. Even observing the basic principles of healthy eating can get good results.

Vegetable diet in winter

Vegetables are the main products for people who want to lose weight. They contain a lot of fiber, which purifies the body of harmful substances, which is important for getting rid of excess weight. Contain such products, vitamins, minerals and other substances. Diet in winter should certainly include vegetables, for example, different types of cabbage, daikon, celery, radish, carrots and potatoes, but only in small quantities. They are eaten fresh, as well as boiled, baked and steamed. To adhere to such a winter diet for longer than a week is impossible. Example menu:

Diet extra winter

Good results for a short time can be obtained with the help of a soup diet. The basis of the diet is cabbage soup, prepared from the available ingredients. During the first days of the diet, you only need to eat the first dish, and on the third you can include vegetables green in the menu, except beans. For the next day you can add vegetables and fruits to the diet, but you can not eat potatoes and bananas. Winter diet for weight loss, the menu of the fifth day which involves the inclusion of low-fat milk, the sixth - beef, and the seventh - brown rice, gives excellent results. It remains to learn the recipe for a cabbage soup.



  1. Wash all vegetables, clean as needed and cut.
  2. Fold them in a saucepan, pour water and cook.
  3. After boiling, add laurel, ginger and pepper. Cook until done.
  4. For better absorption, add a drop of olive oil.

Fruit Diet in Winter

For weight loss in the cold, grapefruit is the best, which speeds up the process of fat burning, gives vivacity, charges with good mood and saturates with useful substances. Citrus is rich in natural antioxidants, normalizes the digestive system and improves liver function. Diet in the winter for losing weight implies the inclusion in each main meal of half a grapefruit. Example menu:

Winter kefir diet

The method of losing weight, based on the use of a sour milk product, is popular because of its simplicity and effectiveness. Such a winter diet should last no less than three days, but a month later you can go through a second course. During this time it will be possible to reset to two kilograms. Periodically, you can use a day of unloading on kefir. Diet in winter is carried out, guided by an exemplary menu:

Protein diet in winter

The most popular and useful option for losing weight in the cold, which implies an almost complete rejection of carbohydrates. Nutritionists do not recommend in the winter seriously restrict themselves to eating, because it is dangerous to health. Protein diet for the winter for weight loss gives a chance for a week to throw 1-3 kg. The diet should include low-fat fish, meat, eggs and sour-milk products, but do not forget about vegetable protein products, for example, legumes. Do not banned vegetables and unsweetened fruits. Sample menu: