Seabuckthorn leaves - useful properties and contraindications

Adherents of herbal medicine certainly know that sea buckthorn is a tree extremely useful. It is the tree - everything in its entirety. Many people know about the effectiveness of berries. But the leaves of sea-buckthorn have useful properties and certain contraindications to the use. Just like berries, they can be used to fight many ailments.

Are the leaves of the sea-buckthorn useful?

Traditional medicine has been used for a long time on the basis of sea buckthorn leaves. You can buy them today on a free sale in almost all pharmacies. The cost of dry mix varies within reasonable limits. The most enterprising patients prefer to collect and dry the medicine with their own hands - there is nothing complicated in this!

The benefits of the sea buckthorn leaves are explained by their unique composition. In it - tannin, serotonin , vitamins of group B and C. In these substances the organism of everyone needs:

  1. Tannin is capable of stopping blood and treating diarrhea.
  2. Serotonin is responsible for the normal operation of blood vessels, takes part in the regulation of their tone and blood coagulability. In addition, the substance affects the intestinal peristalsis, strengthens the immune system and prevents seizures.

You can consume them in absolutely any kind: leaves are used for external use, and the use of tea on their basis is difficult to overestimate.

So, here's what the sea-buckthorn leaves are useful for:

  1. The use of teas and broths, prepared on the basis of a dry mixture, will help to fill the lack of serotonin in the body. This, in turn, prevents disturbances in the work of the nervous system and improves mood.
  2. Leaves have a strengthening property. Applying them in the period of epidemics, you can protect yourself from even the most difficult colds.
  3. If the ailment is still attached, the tea will promote a speedy recovery. By their effectiveness, sea buckthorn leaves can compete even with potent antibiotics. In the form of tea, sea buckthorn is recommended even in adherents of traditional methods of treatment.
  4. Useful properties of the sea buckthorn leaves can be used to normalize the hormonal background.
  5. The product has a calming effect and reliably saves from insomnia.
  6. In sea-buckthorn leaves contain substances that purify the body. Therefore, they are often prescribed for the treatment of liver diseases. Use decoctions and infusions can be preventive.
  7. Broth from the leaves of sea buckthorn can be used to make compresses. The latter are useful in arthritis, rheumatism and many other joint diseases. If you have fresh leaves at hand, they will do. It even simplifies the procedure of treatment - just spread them evenly over the affected area of ​​the skin and wrap it with gauze or bandage.
  8. Boiled leaves heal wounds and quickly remove the rash, pimples, acne.
  9. The sea buckthorn leaves are used to improve hair. Decoction based on a dry mixture treats dandruff better than expensive means. Apply it is recommended to owners of oily hair. Seabuckthorn will help to tighten the pores and solve the obsessive problem.
  10. Masks from the leaves smooth the wrinkles on the face, refresh the skin and improve its color.

Contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn leaves

As such, there are no contraindications to the use of medicines from sea-buckthorn leaves. But some groups of patients should take them with extreme caution:

  1. It is not recommended to be treated with sea buckthorn for individual intolerance of certain components of its composition.
  2. Damage to the leaves can occur with certain gastric disorders.
  3. Separately, to consult before the start of treatment is for patients with urolithiasis .