Spring vitamin deficiency - what vitamins to drink?

What to do with spring avitaminosis - the question is by no means idle. Very many people after the winter experience a decay, chronic fatigue, they are pursued by apathy and depression . All these are signs of a lack of vitamins, but with this phenomenon one can and must fight.

How to deal with spring avitaminosis?

  1. It is necessary to revise your diet: increase the amount of protein foods, fermented milk products and, most importantly, vegetables and fruits.
  2. Pay attention to fresh greens - it is very rich in vitamins.
  3. Use for food sprouted grain - this is also a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.
  4. Buy frozen berries and cook them with vitamin compotes. With a quick freeze, they retain all the vitamins, so the benefits of such homemade beverages will be huge.
  5. Vegetables are best cooked by steaming - when cooking, and even more frying, some vitamins can break down.
  6. Use herbal infusions and decoctions - they also have many useful substances, especially if it is a decoction of dog rose or hawthorn, rich in vitamin C.

What vitamins to drink with spring beriberi?

Many people are interested in whether it is worth to drink pharmacy vitamins in spring avitaminosis. Synthetic multivitamin complexes - this is a good alternative to "food" vitamins, although some are skeptical about them, considering it unnatural. But they have their advantages: they are produced in a convenient form for reception and represent a balanced balance of a variety of substances that can not always be obtained from food. You can choose something quite simple, the same ascorbic ( vitamin C ) or Aevit (oil solution of vitamins A and E), but you can pay attention to more complex preparations, for example, Duovit, Alphabet, Complevit, Centrum, etc., in which not only vitamins are presented, but also minerals necessary for their successful assimilation.