Wild plants for weight loss

Tablets, promising a quick and carefree disposal of excess weight, always find their buyer, although the doctors say about their extreme danger to the body. So are the capsules for losing weight "Wild Boars". This tool many began to take, even on the advice of friends or just seeing how familiar women quickly decreased in size. However, the reverse side of the reception of this remedy will please very few people.

"Wildflowers Butterfly" for losing weight

As you can learn from the label, the capsules for weight loss "Dikorosy" produce in China. In composition, they are an herbal collection enriched with microelements and amino acids. However, by appearance the remedy is not much like grass - more like fish oil in capsules.

On the sites advertising this tool, they say that this is a new and improved version of popular once-only Lida tablets, now banned in most countries because they caused irreversible destructive processes in the body, including mental disorders. By the way, the company "Dali" produces banned tablets and to this day under two commodity names - "Lida" and "Dali". In many countries, they can be purchased only illegally - for example, in questionable online stores. For sales in pharmacies, they are prohibited. Already this mention should confuse the person who watches over the health.

Diet pills "Butterfly" cause active fat burning , accelerate metabolism and suppress appetite. It is worth noting that even legal sports fat burners often give terrible consequences and it is not at all clear how this Chinese miracle will affect the body in 3-5 years. But the "appetite suppressant" favorite by all means substances that suppress the functions of the hypothalamus, the part of the brain where the appetite center is located. It is because of this that those who take such pills, and mental disorders are possible.

Wild plants: how to take?

The creators of this drug recommend taking one capsule every day, a course of 1 month. Tablets work without any diets, but alcohol is strictly prohibited. Producers claim that it would neutralize the effect of the "butterfly", but there is a suspicion that the "wild plants" so overload the liver, that the slightest additional load this body simply will not survive.

Wild plants: side effects

Like all toxic substances, wild plants for weight loss do not immediately reveal their terrible potential. So, for example, first the effects may seem even relevant.

In the first week of admission, people actively lose weight and are absolutely not drawn to food - the appetite is completely gone. They eat only because they realize that they sometimes need to eat. In the second week, the first problems begin, because the substance has accumulated sufficiently in the body.

Irritability begins with the first thing. People break on relatives, they scream, they start from nonsense, they get dizzy. Changes also occur in the exterior - a depleted, poisoned organism gives out distress signals, showing black circles under the eyes and a grayish skin tone.

Further, there are usually problems with the stool and an incredibly repulsive smell from the mouth, which can not be killed either by brushing your teeth or chewing gum. In addition, the unpleasant sputum is constantly coughing up.

Even if you quit in the second week, the body will need at least a month to fully return to normal. And if you do get to the end of the course, then problems with the liver, gastritis and mental imbalance are guaranteed for a long time. Hardly against the background of this you will enjoy weight loss.