Prolactin is increased - what does it mean?

The female hormone prolactin is synthesized predominantly in the pituitary gland, but a small amount is also formed in the uterine endometrium. Many women who first donate blood for hormones, ask the following question: "What is responsible for and what does prolactin in the female body affect?".

It is this hormone that stimulates the growth and normal development of the mammary glands, and also causes the secretion of milk after pregnancy. In addition, prolactin also participates in the process of regulating the water-salt balance, reducing the excretion of water from the body.

Increased prolactin

If the prolactin level in the results of the analysis exceeds the concentration of 530 mU / l, this means that it is elevated. This situation can often occur when:

In addition to these diseases, the use of various drugs may lead to an increase in prolactin.

An increase in the level of prolactin is also noted during pregnancy, more specifically, from the 8th week of the week, when an intensified body synthesis of estrogen begins. The maximum concentration of prolactin reaches at 23-25 ​​weeks of a normal current pregnancy.

The state of constantly elevated prolactin in the blood was called hyperprolactinemia. It reflects various violations of the function of the sexual glands, both in females and males. That is why a high level of prolactin has a bad effect on the occurrence of pregnancy.


Women, for the first time faced with the proliferation of prolactin in their blood, do not know what to do about it. The first thing with the result of your tests should be addressed to a doctor who, after analyzing all the nuances of your condition and the characteristics of the body, will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Basically, in the treatment of increased prolactin levels, preparations from the dopamine receptor antagonists group (Dostinex, Norprolac) are used. The very process of treating this condition of a woman is quite long and can last up to six months or more. It all depends on the condition of the woman.

Thus, an increased level of prolactin may be a sign of many pathologies in the female body, for the determination of which it is necessary to conduct a long and thorough medical examination.