Annual morning glory - planting and care

Want to paint a balcony or a gazebo in the garden with bright colors? Plant one-year-old morning glory, or as it is more often called summer residents - bindweed. It is a curling plant that, until the frost itself, is covered with funnel-shaped flowers of pink, blue, white or purple. So, we'll talk about planting and caring for a one-year-old morning glory.

Ipomea - planting and caring for seedlings

Cultivate convolvulus can be from seeds. In the southern regions, they are immediately planted in open ground as soon as the time of frost passes. The site suitable for the morning glory is sunny and open.

If you talk about how to plant Ipomoeu, the seeds are buried at 0.5-1 cm. If you grow Ipomoe on a balcony or seedlings, the seeds are sown in pots, placed in a room with a temperature regime of + 20 + 24 degrees. The soil should be watered from time to time. After 7-10 days, the first shoots will appear. Then you need to install small sticks in the pots in order for the growing morning glory to curl over it.

In May, the seedlings are taken out in warm, windless weather for several hours to the street or a balcony for hardening. By mid-May in the middle belt, young plants are dug into a permanent place in the garden. Small pits are made at a distance of 17-20 cm from each other. The transplant is performed together with an earthen lump.

Ipomea - care

After planting, immediately pull on the bindweed a thin cord or twine, thus directing the growth of the plant.

Like almost any other garden plant, in the morning glory, growing involves frequent and regular watering. In his absence, tender lianas immediately hang. In addition, do not forget to remove weeds and weed the soil - the morning glory likes a well drained land.

Do not forget, of course, and about feeding, thanks to which the foliage and flowering will be powerful. The first time mineral fertilizers are introduced during the period of active vegetative growth. This should be nitrogen compounds, for example, ammonium nitrate. During budding, special preparations are used with phosphorus and potassium, for example, "Kemir" or "Fertik". And last time the morning glory is fed in the middle of summer.

In order to grow a lush plant, in the spring and in the first half of summer it is necessary to pinch the tips of the flower.

Ipomea rarely gets sick, but sometimes it is exposed to pests. If you notice the aphid, treat the vine with a suitable insecticide. For this purpose, "Aktara" is suitable. If you find a thin thread of spider web, use the drug "Actellik" - the morning glory "overpowered" the spider mite.