New Year's souvenirs with their own hands

New Year is one of those, fortunately, few holidays, when you need to give literally everyone. Pleases one - quite suitable inexpensive New Year souvenirs, made even with their own hands.

To make small presents you can take any materials. Stained glass on tea mugs, snowflakes from beads, cute figurines of snowmen from textiles or papier-mache, carnival venetian masks, toys of Tilda, figures of angels, self-bonded mittens, socks, painted in batik scarves technique ...

Stained glass on tea mugs

Stores for creativity are full of goods for painting glass, ceramics, fabric, leather. The painting of glass with stained-glass paints is called a false stained glass window. The success of the whole enterprise depends to a large extent on the choice of the plot. It is not necessary to make a full-value stained-glass window, in which a drawing drawn by a convex contour is filled with transparent lacquer-colored inks. You can buy only white and, for example, silver contours and paint a cup with frosty patterns and ornate snowflakes. Or depict a white contour of a cartoon snowman.

You will find a master class on making such a mug here .

Knitted Christmas gifts

Undoubtedly, the best gift is a book, but the New Year is the holiday, which is traditionally better to give all the same champagne. And so that it does not look ordinary and vulgar, it is possible to dress up a bottle in the costume of Santa Claus or Snow Maiden. If you are friendly with a crochet - for you this business of one evening.

You can tie lace snowflakes, bells. The figure of a Christmas angel, crocheted from cotton threads, looks admirable. There is one secret: all knitted Christmas handmade souvenirs must necessarily be strongly starched to hardness.

New Year's souvenirs from beads

An original New Year souvenir is a snowflake made of beads. Such a gift will suit a romantic person. It can not be woven in a tram or subway - it will take time, attention and, if you want, inspiration.

You can cover any solid children's toy with glue for glass and ceramics and lay them neatly with a beaded mosaic. This technique was borrowed from the Indians of Mexico. As a glue they used wax. Thus, you can decorate, for example, thick wooden or plastic bracelets.

Instructions for the most simple of New Year's souvenirs from beads you will find here.

Patriotic New Year's souvenirs with their own hands

To our ancestral souvenirs usually include boots, spoons, accordion and vodka. About the decor of the bottle, let not vodka, but champagne, we already wrote. Harmon and spoons let them wait, but we'll talk more about the felt boots.

So, the New Year's souvenir is the creative felt boots .

Recently, the ugi have become very popular. Although men put this footwear on the first place in the list of the most hated women's outfits, the ugg boots do not give up. They can both bind and sew. In fact, they are cousins ​​of our boots. And to the felt boots, mind you, men remain completely neutral. Only look like felt boots somehow not elegant ... Well, yes it is fixable.

It is only necessary to take acrylic paints, acrylic primer and the desire to create, surprise and delight. Plots can be borrowed from boots, hung on the day of St. Nicholas on December 19. Or from Christmas cards.

Candles with own hands

Of course, we must not forget about the candles. These indispensable attributes of the New Year will be an excellent gift, if you put a little bit of diligence and imagination. If this is your debut in candlestick, let's take for production a simple figure of a snowman. It can be a small figurine or a toy. You can, of course, blind the original model and from plasticine, just do not want to complicate the process. So, we take a children's toy, cover it with petroleum jelly, then tightly cover with any building silicone sealant. To strengthen a thin-walled silicone mold, a toy covered with a dried sealant can be placed in a box and filled with gypsum up to half the volume. Then turn the workpiece over, ply the foil between the two halves and fill the second part. As a material for casting candles, shredded household candles with the addition of children's wax crayons, in this case, white, are quite appropriate. You can color the finished candle with the same long-suffering acrylic.