Pouring of apples

In the beginning of autumn, all are literally carrying away the harvest of apples, which are practically impossible to utilize to one family. So, happy owners of apple trees rush in search of delicious recipes using fruits. If you consider yourself to be their number, then hurry to start preparing a fragrant and delicious apple liqueur that perfectly warms in the coming cold.

How to prepare a liqueur from apples without vodka?

Liquids without alcohol wander much longer than alcohol and are not so strong. If you, for some reason, do not dare to make alcoholic liquor, then stop on this basic recipe for the preparation of the drink.



Apples are cleaned from cuttings and seeds, after which we cut the fruits into slices and put them in an enamel or glass container and fall asleep with sugar. Cover the container with a lid of several layers of gauze, then leave the apples in the warmth or in the sun for 4-5 days. As soon as signs of fermentation are visible, the bottle is shaken and put into a cellar or any other cool place. Since the liqueurs from apples are considered late-ripening, they should be insisted from 4 months to 6 months.

How to make a pour from apples to alcohol?



We peel apples from the stems and cut into large pieces. Lay the apples in layers in a glass jar, pouring each layer of sugar. Now we pour in vodka to the apples. The amount of the latter is determined by the desired strength of the drink. Fill the contents of the can with cold boiled water to the very edges, cover the jar with a lid and put it in the heat for 5 days. After starting fermentation, the liquid can be moved to the cellar for 3-5 months.

Homemade apple filling



Before preparing the liqueur from apples it is necessary to squeeze out the juice. You can do this with a press or a juicer, or rubbing apples and wringing them through gauze by hand. As a result, you should get at least 2 liters of apple juice. After the juice is ready, put on the fire a deep saucepan, in which we mix water and sugar. Cook the syrup for an hour, cool it to warm, then dilute with apple juice. The resulting solution is poured into a glass bottle or a wooden barrel, pour in vodka and put it in the cellar. After a week, fill the place of fixing the lid of the container with wax and leave the pouring to come within another 3 months.

Apple pouring - recipe



Apples are cleaned from the core with seeds and peduncles, then we transfer them to glass or enamel ware and press (but not to the state of cereal) with a rolling pin or any other improvised press. After the apples are crushed, mix them with a liter of vodka or alcohol, cover with a lid and put in a cool place for a week. After the time when fermentation starts, filter the contents of the bottle through gauze into another clean and dry container and filter again.

Pouring apples and pears



Apples and pears are cleaned from the core, finely chopped and put in a fermentation bowl along with nutmeg and melissa leaves. Fill the contents of the container with cold boiled water (2-3 liters, depending on the desired strength) and vodka. We put the filling to wander for a week in the cellar or any other cool place, and after we filter the drink, mix it with sugar and pour it on the bottles.