Vegetables and fruits with vitamin C

Before you tell what vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamin C, you should mention its beneficial properties, which help strengthen the immune system. Most of all vitamin C is contained in vegetables and fruits, but cereal crops, dairy and meat products on the contrary are extremely poor on it. That is why it is recommended to include in the diet fruits and vegetables, where there is a lot of vitamin C.

Vegetables and fruits with vitamin C

If you know what vegetables and fruits contain vitamin C, then you can maintain its optimal amount in the body without special additives. Most of this component is found in foods that are of vegetable origin: berries, vegetables, fruits, and a number of herbs.

A large amount of vitamin C is found in melon, black currant, strawberry, raspberry, ashberry, sea-buckthorn, dog rose, blackberry. If we talk about herbs, then most of it is in the seeds of fennel, gerbil, ochrone, hops, horsetail, mullein, lucerne, burdock root, laminaria, peppermint, nettle, parsley, fenugreek, red clover, yarrow and sorrel.

Vitamin C in large quantities is in such a unique berry, which in our time was undeservedly forgotten, like a black elderberry. If it is correctly combined with the rest of the components, it helps strengthen the immune system and stimulate it. For this reason, most folk recipes are given a place of honor precisely black elderberry. Also, vitamin is found in a number of products of animal origin, but there is much less of it - the adrenal glands, kidneys and liver of animals.

What other vegetables and fruits contain vitamin C?

If we talk about fruits, then most of the vitamin C is found in persimmons, grapes, peaches, bananas, plums, apricots, pears and apples. The real storehouse of this useful vitamin can be called citrus, especially it is rich in grapefruits, lemons and oranges. If you talk about vegetables, the most useful for the human body, vitamin C is in salad, cabbage, pepper, green peas, as well as young potatoes, green leaves of vegetables, carrots, beets, radish, tomatoes and beans.

What else you need to know about vitamin C?

Even in case of getting into the body of vitamin C in the vast majority of cases, it undergoes rapid destruction due to the impact of a variety of medications, stresses, bad habits and most other negative factors, which are large in the modern life of each person.

Based on the information received, it is recommended to make regular replenishment of the shortage in the body of such an important vitamin. For these purposes, you can also use the use of extracts, vitamin teas, infusions, syrups, as well as biological supplements and multivitamin preparations. One of the simplest ways in this case is the preparation of tinctures based on wild rose berries. And if you add a little fruit syrup or honey to the resulting composition, even children will drink such a healthy drink with great pleasure.

In addition, a special benefit is a syrup, created on the basis of the same hips. To make it, do not need much effort, just add to the existing dogrose a small amount of sugar, aronia or red mountain ash, viburnum or cranberries, as well as hawthorn. Eating such a syrup can be an excellent prevention of a number of diseases, including colds.

If you add foods containing vitamin C, you can protect yourself from many diseases, strengthen immunity and recharge your strength and vigor for a long time.