
Tradition and art of tea drinking, according to historical data, originated in ancient China. And today more than half of the inhabitants of our planet prefer to drink tea. There are a huge number of varieties of tea - green, black, fruity.

Each of them has its own way of cooking and eating.

A tea pot is an important attribute of a tea ceremony. The teapot was invented around the time when people began to use tea. It is known that improperly brewed tea instantly loses its flavor and aromatic qualities, so from ancient times the art of brewing tea was passed from generation to generation. However, fashion and many other factors have made their changes in the process of brewing and drinking tea. Over time, the brewer itself was modified.

According to historical data, the first kettles were made of ordinary clay. Approximately in the 12th and 14th centuries, tea was brewed in kettles made of metal. The most expensive and beautiful were the golden and silver teapots. Closer to the 15th century, metal replaced ceramics - ceramic pots began to make a bizarre and unusual shape.

Since ancient times, red clay was considered the best material for a teapot. The ancient Chinese believed that tea, brewed in such a teapot, has medicinal properties.

To date, you can buy a teapot from any store. Modern teapots are made of a wide variety of materials, for every taste and purse. Let us dwell on the most popular types of breweries.

Glass Teapot

Teapots made of glass are the most popular. Glass the welders are attractive in appearance and very comfortable. It is known that glass when heated does not affect the taste of tea and its aromatic properties. The only drawback of such a teapot is that it is unusually quickly spoiled. After each brewing, a brown coating remains on the glass, which gives the glass tea brewer an untidy look.

Ceramic teapot

Ceramic teapots are no less popular than glass teapots. Such teapots are considered to be the most reliable, since they can withstand high temperatures perfectly.

Porcelain and faience teapots

Porcelain and earthenware are considered to be traditional materials for making breweries. The teapot made of porcelain very quickly heats up and keeps high temperature for a long time. Due to these qualities, the porcelain brewer is considered the best for full-fledged tea infusion. Many models of pottery from porcelain and faience are considered to be antiques and are of high value.

Metallic teapot

Models of brewers made of metal are found quite often in the modern commodity market. It should be borne in mind that the inner surface of the metal teapot should be covered with a special protective layer, otherwise metals can interact with tea particles and form toxins, which is unsafe for human health. One of the popular models is a metal teapot with a strainer and a piston (brewer with a press). Such a kettle is able to squeeze out of tea almost all the substances that it contains.

When choosing a teapot, you should consider not only the material from which it is made, but many other factors: