Rashes in the child's face

Eruptions on the face of the child can be caused by various factors. Whether they are a sign of a dangerous disease or caused by physiological causes - what needs to be determined first, in order to know how much it costs to be afraid.

Causes of rash on the face of a child

1. Maternal hormones are most often the cause of pimples on the face of the infant. In appearance, these are small white dots (sometimes they have a pinkish tinge), which are called "newborn eels", or a more attractive word "flowering". Usually, they pass within a month and do not pose a danger. Nevertheless, mother should carefully monitor the hygiene of the child: wash it several times a day with boiled water (with the addition of herbs such as turnips or chamomile), maintain a certain humidity (50-70%) and temperature (18-20 ° C ) in the room and in any case not overheat the baby.

2. Also, the cause of the appearance of a rash on the face of the child may be an allergy. Such a rash has a reddish hue, manifests itself in the form of itching, skin flaking, sneezing and other unpleasant symptoms and requires the supervision of a doctor who prescribes antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs.

Basically, the allergy occurs:

Sometimes they are confused with an allergy. Here it is important to know that sweating, spreading throughout the body, almost never appears on the face. It is easy to handle cotton with the help of proper hygiene: swimming in the water with the addition of herbs (chamomile, string, celandine, mint) and clean and comfortable clothes.

3. A more dangerous source of rash on the face of the child is an infection, for example, rubella or measles. In order to distinguish an allergic rash from an infection, it is necessary to measure the child's temperature. Elevated temperature indicates an infectious source of the disease. Another distinguishing feature of infectious rash is the presence of pimples ranging in size from 2 to 10 mm. If you notice a small red rash on your child's face, and at the same time he has a fever and a strong itch at the site of the rash, then we have an infectious disease that requires urgent treatment to a specialist.

4. If the rash on the child's face appears first around the mouth, and then spreads quickly over the body, then it is about dermatitis. On the face pour bubbles, which then burst, and the upper skin begins to peel off. In this case, a check with the doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Most often in this case, the same antihistamine ointments are prescribed as with allergies.

How to deal with a rash on the face of a child?

In all these situations, mother can also help the child. The main thing is to notice the appearance of the rash in time, and take appropriate measures. First, you need to give your child more to drink. Secondly, make sure that the child does not have constipation. And third, watch that the child does not overeat. Then the strength of the body will be spent not on fighting the lack of fluid in the body, not on digesting a huge amount of food, but on confronting that cause, because of which there was a rash on your child's face.