Food poisoning in a child - symptoms and treatment of all kinds of ailment

Summer - not only the time of holidays, but also the height of food poisoning in children. In order not to spoil a family holiday, one should adhere to a number of simple rules. Consider why food poisoning in a child, symptoms and treatment of pathology can occur.

Food Poisoning - Causes

A complex of pathological symptoms associated with the use of poor-quality food or liquid, occurs in kiddies more often than in adults. To protect your child from health problems, it is important to understand, because of what develops food poisoning in the child. Causal factors are divided into three main groups:

  1. Infectious agents - bacteria, viruses, protozoa microorganisms.
  2. Poisoning substances contained in the consumed vegetable food, animal meat - for example, in inedible mushrooms, berries, fish, molluscs.
  3. Chemical poisonous substances are poisonous compounds that enter food products when treated with pesticides and the like.

If improper storage (non-compliance with the temperature range, shelf life, packing rules, etc.) and improper handling (washing, preparation in unsanitary conditions, non-observance of cooking techniques, etc.), foodborne products can rapidly multiply pathogens. In this case, not always by sight, smell, taste can be suspected wrong. Getting into the children's body in certain quantities, pathogens provoke food poisoning in a child with characteristic symptoms and the need for urgent treatment.

Symptoms of food poisoning in children

Food poisoning in a child whose symptoms and treatment are slightly different from those in adult patients often occurs in two stages: latent and the period of the developing clinical picture. In the beginning, when poisonous substances start to enter the bloodstream, you can notice slight weakness, malaise, behavior change, increased sweating in the child.

Then follows the signs of food poisoning in children, the corresponding stage from the full penetration of toxins and pathogens into the blood before they are removed from the body. The main ones are:

How much does the child have food poisoning?

The fact that food poisoning manifests itself in small patients depends on several factors: age, amount and type of food eaten, the type of causative agent of infection or toxin, individual characteristics. Often, from the moment of a meal with unsuitable food to the appearance of the first alarming signs, it takes from half an hour to two days, sometimes more.

It should be noted that the same dish in adults can not cause pathology, tk. A mature immune system responds more effectively to pathogens. In children, however, susceptibility to poisoning is higher due to such age factors:

What to do when food poisoning in a child?

Food poisoning in a child with a temperature, especially above 37.5 ° C, requires urgent professional medical care. In addition, leaving children for treatment at home without consulting a doctor is unacceptable if:

First aid for food poisoning in a child

Careful parents are required to have information about what is given to children during food poisoning, what help can be provided before the doctor arrives, so as not to waste precious time. Food poisoning in the child, the symptoms and treatment of which have received a timely adequate reaction from relatives, ends safely, full recovery.

Actions with the appearance of the first alarming manifestations should be as follows:

  1. If after eating food has passed no more than two hours and among the symptoms of poisoning there is no vomiting, you should call it artificially (for this the child needs to drink about two glasses of water or milk at room temperature, then press on the root of the tongue with a finger or a spoon).
  2. Actively drink the child - often, but in small portions.
  3. Give the child a sorbent in the age-related dosage (activated charcoal, Enterosgel, Polysorb, Polyphepan, White coal or others).

The child needs to ensure complete peace, the arrival of fresh air. If the baby is vomiting, you should put him on his side before going to ambulance and constantly monitor that the outgoing masses do not block the airways and the baby does not suffocate. Under control, you need to keep body temperature. Give painkillers or other drugs, in addition to the above, it is impossible.

Drinking should be given every 5-10 minutes for 1-5 sips. The fluid for this should match the body temperature of the baby as much as possible in order to quickly assimilate. Ideally use rehydration solutions (Regidron, Oralit, Hydrolit, etc.), but in this case the child should be offered any drinks that he agrees to drink (water, compote, uzvar, diluted juice, weak sweetened tea, etc.).

Food poisoning in a child - what to treat?

The tasks of parents include the correct organization of first aid, then food poisoning in a child should be treated professionally. After finding out the reasons and establishing a complete picture of the pathology, this or that medicine for food poisoning for children is prescribed. When food poisoning is diagnosed, the following may be recommended:

Diet for food poisoning in children

When food poisoning began, vomiting in the child serves as a protective mechanism for removing harmful substances. To load the gastrointestinal system with food during this period (the next few hours, day) should not be, and it is unlikely that the kid himself will want to eat while he is suffering such symptoms. The exception is the babies who receive breast milk .

What can you eat when food poisoning a child?

Many parents are interested in whether it is possible to feed a child with food poisoning. It has already been said that at the beginning of the development of poisoning the body, when it tries to purify itself of poisonous compounds, there is nothing recommended. Breastfeed can be breastfed, but less often and reducing portions twice. Then everything depends on the state of the child. As a rule, if the baby himself asks for food, this indicates improvement, and then you can give light food.

What you can eat after food poisoning to the child?

A diet after food poisoning for children is necessary to restore the functions of the digestive system and replenish nutrients. Portions should be reduced, food - gentle. Refuse should be from fatty, fried, baked goods, milk, sweets, raw vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to use in the first days after poisoning, when acute symptoms will subside:

Food poisoning in children and their prevention

To prevent food poisoning, it is recommended that you follow the following rules:

  1. Thoroughly wash vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries.
  2. Excessive heat treatment of meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, milk.
  3. Do not give the baby mushrooms.
  4. Drink boiled or bottled water.
  5. Wash hands after toilet, return from the street, before meals and cooking.
  6. Store products in appropriate conditions, monitoring the shelf life.