The Diet "Zvazhinyh ta schaslivih"

A sensational project that helps people to change and get rid of extra pounds with every season attracts more and more viewers, so many people are interested in the diet "Zvazheniha ta schaslivih". The process of losing weight in each person passes individually, so taking advantage of the advice of a nutritionist, you can make a proper diet for yourself.

The rules of nutrition from the nutritionist of the project "Zvazheniha ta schaslivih" Svetlana Fus

  1. Remember, diets will give results for a short time. Your task is to change your food once and for all, which should consist of healthy foods.
  2. To achieve good results , connect the right diet with exercise.
  3. To monitor your diet, keep a diary in which you write down everything that you eat, because the main thing is not quantity, but quality.
  4. In the diet of participants "Zvazheniha ta schaslivih" there is no sugar, it was replaced with dried fruits, honey and fresh fruits.
  5. Cut the foods from the refined flour, as it is in excess in the body turning into fat.
  6. Try to eat for breakfast dishes from whole grains, for example flakes.
  7. Eat 500 grams of fresh vegetables daily.
  8. Dairy products should be either low-fat or low in fat content.
  9. Fatty meat, replace with chicken, turkey or veal.

Approximate Diet "Zvazeni et t schaslivih"

Breakfast №1:

Breakfast №2:

